A rebuttal against Naenya would have to wait, for the unmistakable sounds of advancing heretics echoed up through the winding halls and into the ears of Orintur, and it appeared to be a much larger force than the group had faced before. Gods above, and large it was indeed. Nearly a dozen of the demons and their hellspawn Scamp beastlings poured through the archway and into the party's poor excuse of a sanctuary. Adamiir and Veeza had already found their prey, and it was time for the Paladin to choose his own...and the mage that had just struck Naenya looked quite enticing to the furious Elf. Unfortunately, the Churl had already taken note of Orintur's gaze and struck him with a bolt of lightning midway through his charge. Orintur suddenly found himself unable to lift up his hammer to strike the mage, his right arm failing to barely bring the head off of the floor. It was a good thing then that Paladins were trained to be as versatile as they are zealous. Getting close enough to get a decent grip on the Churl, Orintur grabbed its wrist and wrenched it away from himself with his good arm, sending the next bolt flying harmlessly into the stone floor, before landing an armored backhand to the mage's head. This left the mage open enough for the Paladin to grab his dagger and bury it into the demon's neck before it could retaliate. His foe had fallen, but the effect of their assault remained, and so Orintur was forced to leave his beloved hammer on the ground for the time being and rely on his dagger...and raw strength. Standing over Naenya, Orintur remained on guard as he spoke to the she-Elf. "Can you stand, mage? Our fellows strike fast and true against these heretics, but I would not advise remaining on the ground as you are. I don't think Dremora will discriminate between the wounded and the battle-ready..."