"Both of you shut the hell up and stop your bickering!" a loud voice broke out, sending chills down the two Commanders' backs. A large form stepped up beside Hibiki. He was larger than the two by far. His hair was short, blond and well kept. Steely gray eyes were narrowed on their intruder, a scowl etched into his rough face, the scar stretching from the corner of his lip to the corner of his right eye only increasing his intimidating appearance. He wore a black tank top, one that did nothing to hide the bulging muscles beneath. This was tucked into white pants, ending in combat boots. A white jacket was worn over this, reaching down to his knees. They could not see the large kanji on the back, but the identical one on his chest was clear. It read simply 'Captain.' Hibiki and Will would both straighten instinctively at the sight of Captain Baku. He held his arm out and a nondescript Marine immediately rushed to his side. The Marine had a large black canister wrapped by his arms. He could barely hold it, but Baku grasped it in one hand and lifted it up to his shoulder. As he did, it became clear what it was. A large cannon that would typically be fitted onto a Marine ship. He held it on one shoulder, aiming it down at the lone fighter. "Marines don't hold back again miscreants like this. Marines uphold the law and put down wrong-doers. You will not be shown mercy," the Captain stated in his harsh tone. Without missing a beat, the cannon was fired, a cannon ball shooting towards Ryu, aiming to push him down with overwhelming might. Ryu's shoulder was grasped as the cannon was fired, pulled back as Mitsuki shot forward. His sword was drawn in an instant, meeting the cannon ball head on. The orb split in two, crashing to either side of the two upstarts. Mitsuki flicked his sword down with a flourish, standing at the ready in front of Ryu. "This hardly seems fair," he stated. "Uphold the law...such crap. You okay?" He glanced back towards Ryu.