[center][h2]Alexander Phillips[/h2] [color=red]17 years old[/color] [color=blue]High School Student[/color] [color=limegreen]Part time Coffee shop worker[/color] [img]https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/guiltycrown/images/c/c4/Ouma_Shu.jpg[/IMG] [u]Personality[/u] Kind, helpful, thoughtful but a bit of a spacy person. Sometimes it’s hard to get his attention because he gets hyper-focused on something he can’t really hear or see anyone or anything after that. He also has a sense of humor and wishes to make people laugh and forget about stress. [u]Repression[/u] [i]Fear of becoming a failure[/i], he doesn’t want to disappoint anyone including his parents who have high hopes of him becoming something important like a doctor or a lawyer as they feel like they didn’t make anything of themselves with their factory jobs.[i]Fear of being alone.[/i] [u]Mini Biography[/u] Alex spent a lot of his childhood in day cares and summer schools due to his parents consistently working to provide for themselves. He still got to spend time with his parents and go on longer trips than most kids but when it came to interactions and loving moments with his parents, he didn’t have many and spent a lot of dinners alone at the dinner table. His fear of failure steams from his parents high hopes that he will go far in life and he never wants to let them, or anyone else down in fear of being alone again. He has some friends but no one he’s incredibly close with so… he’s still alone despite his popularity at school.[/center] [hider=Persona Form][IMG]http://pm1.narvii.com/5687/db917ca314a8ddb97da89431bd7509789dc530c8_hq.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [hider=Persona][IMG] http://i.imgur.com/jjWBOEZ.png[/IMG] Maahes (also spelled Mihos, Miysis, Mios, Maihes, or Mahes) (Greek: Μαχές, Μιχός, Μίυσις, Μίος, or Μάιχες) was an ancient Egyptian lion-headed god of war,[2] whose name means "he who is true beside her". He was seen as the son of the Creator god Ptah, as well as the feline goddess (Bast in Lower Egypt or Sekhmet in Upper Egypt) whose nature he shared. Maahes was a deity associated with war, protection, and weather, as well as that of knives, lotuses, and devouring captives. His cult was centred in Taremuand Per-Bast. The first recorded reference to Maahes is from the New Kingdom. Some Egyptologists have suggested that Maahes was of foreign origin;[3] indeed there is some evidence that he may have been identical with the lion-god Apedemak worshipped in Nubia and Egypt's Western Desert. As a lion-god and patron, he was also considered the son of Ra and of Bast,[4] the feline war goddess and patron of Lower Egypt as well as Sekhmet, the lioness war goddess and patron of Upper Egypt. Since his cult was centred in Per-Bast (Bubastis in Greek) or in Taremu (Leontopolis in Greek), he was more known as the son of Bast. As he became a tutelary deity of Egypt, his father was said to be the chief male deity at the time - either Ptah, or Ra who had by this time already merged with Atum into Atum-Ra. In his role of son of Ra, Maahes fought the serpent Apep during Ra's nightly voyage. Considered to have powerful attributes, feline deities were associated with the pharaohs, and became patrons of Egypt. The male lion hieroglyphic was used in words such as "prince", "mashead", "strength", and "power".[/hider]