[@Feyblue]*Kenichi is standing in the hallway, clearly alone. He opens his locker, exchanges a book, closes it. Those three sharp notes from the Psycho shower scene play out loudly, Fumika is standing right behind where the locker door was* "Oh hey Motome-chan, what's up?" *Later in the gym, Kenichi doing benchpresses by himself. He closes his eyes and struggles to get that last rep in; the music plays as he opens them and Fumika is leaning over him with a blank stare.* "Great timing, could ya spot me?" *Kenichi alone in his house during a storm, suddenly the lights go out. He picks up the phone, the line is dead. Lightning crashes outside. He looks towards the window--The notes play, Fumika is illuminated by her glowing eyes in stark contrast on the other side of the glass with her hands pressed against it.* "Motome-chan, you'll catch a cold out there! Come around to the door!"