[b]June 17th, Zeigenbien Food & Farm Supplies, Waynesville, Missouri [/b] The crisp, and clean morning air greeted a solitary man. He watched lazily as the 'undead' horde that had been ever growing since he had taken up residence here, shambled aimlessly about the parking lot below. The man paused a moment, breathing in the beautiful air that surrounded him on this fine mid summer morning. He then let out an unexpected and throaty chuckle. "Well, the end of man sure has done a wonder on the quality of the air around here now has it boys?" The man, who had been dressed in a standard constable's uniform said as he turned to his undead companions. All three were former subordinates of his, and were currently held down by metal chains that were attached to steel chairs that had been bolted to the floor of the roof. All the man got back were snarls and stifled grunts. The three creatures desperately fought against their bonds. The Constable wondered at how they saw him. Did they see an old friend? Or was he simply a morning snack for these three zombified officers? He shook his head of the thought and steeled himself to his duty. He loaded his double barrel slowly, trying to put as much time between him and the inevitable as possible. After a several long moments of extended gun loading and silence, the constable pointed the shotgun at his first subordinate. " Sorry Jay.." He trailed off, swallowing a lump of sadness as he continued, ".. say hi to Margie and the kids for me, will ya? I got'sa feelin' I'll be seein' ya shortly.. Old pal.." A tear rolled down The Constable's cheek as he pulled the trigger. Jay's grey matter litter the floor behind him, and The Constable moved to the next man. He continued this pattern, giving each man his own personal 'good-bye' speech before sending them off to whatever awaited them on the other side. When he had finished, The Constable walked towards the edge of roof's edge. The tears he had held back so bravely in front of his men forced their way out and he fell too his knees. Constable Dylan Harper couldn't remember how long he had sat their, simply crying, unable to bring himself to his feet. When he finally did finish he turned to see the only remaining member of his 'Zombie Resistance' that had started out with such high hopes. Harper's eye's were red from the hours of crying he had just completed. He looked to Ivy Ellenheart and smiled. "I believe it time we made our way out of this shit hole, whadd'ya say Girlie?" "Agreed." Ivy replied, and with nothing more than a nod she turned to leave the roof. [b] July 1st, 2017 [/b] The last few months had been taxing on the psyche of young Marrianne Ellenheart. The almost complete solitary confinement had pushed her to the edge of her sanity. Things had gotten better in the last few weeks however, a man named Anders had begun answering her numerous calls through the intercom. They had, had several hour long conversations about his family and hers. She spoke in an excited tone about the day she would be let outside again. Anders had lied to the girl out of sympathy, telling her that her family would be waiting to see her out. For the last two weeks Marrie had lived in this state of bliss. Every afternoon at one she would sit in front of the intercom and talk with Anders about the outside, and how life was going for him. Anders told the girl good things, things that she needed to hear, and, for now, both were content with this state of ignorant bliss. Marrie had drawn many pictures of what she thought Anders looked like. The pictures were strewn about her room. She had told him about the pictures and he had replied by telling her he would give her a special present when she was released if she had guessed what he looked like. Marrie was ecstatic about this, and began drawing even more furiously. Her small rooms was littered with at least twenty different variations of the man. At dinner time she would leave the pictures in her dirty tray for him to look over later. He would then give her hints about what she had gotten wrong the day after. This was a game that had, up until now, kept her mind off of the loneliness she had felt before. Marrie was beginning to show signs of recovering from the detachment, and Anders had been the sole cause of this recovery. It was now one o'clock, and Marrie sat obediently in front of her intercom, waiting for Anders's voice to sound from the other side. Her little finger held the 'listen' button down, she dared not release it, for fear of missing him. A minute passed.. Ten minutes passed... Half an hour.. An hour.. Two.. Marrie began to panic. Was Anders alright? Had he taken a day off? No, he never took days off, he even said he would be here yesterday. The little girl began having trouble breathing. Slowly her state of panic worsened, and worsened. Her breath grew shorter, and shorter. Her hand fell from the listen button and she lost function in her limbs. Marrianne fell to the floor and began seizing. Luckily for the little girl, nothing in her immediate vicinity had the ability to harm her, and the seizure passed with time. The small girl's mind became blank and she lay in place for a short while, she was completely unresponsive for a whole minute. Afterwards a female voice sounded over the speakers in the roof. "Ms. Ellenheart, are you alright?" The girl suddenly snapped to attention and brushed off her clothing. "I am good, thanks." She replied simply. Marrie then crawled into bed and slept until 7am the next morning. When she awoke, she had no memory of where she was, or how she had gotten there. Luckily, Anders, who had been too busy to speak with her the day before, was able to calm her down with some effort. They have, since then, continued their talks without incident.