Junebug found it worked best if she considered the land-drifter as a gun jeep. It mounted four fans which compressed air beneath it to lift it a few fingers breath of the ground but lacked the power to weigh ratio for true flight. The fans hadn't been tuned, perhaps ever, and the asynchronous vibration rattled Sayeeda's teeth annoyingly as well as giving the thing a pronounced pull to the left. If she had the time she would have prefered to tune the thing, lest the vibration freeze a bearing and perhaps mount a heavy weapon on a pintle through the roll bar but she didnt believe they could spare the time right now. The thing was made mostly out of a dark green plastic that kept the weight down and made it reasonably resistant to the occasional collisions inevitable in a jungle environment. The thick green foliage brushed by them at about 40 kph as she followed the curve of a sluggish river east along the valley. The vegetation thinned closer to the river which made the passage along the marshy ground possible. Sayeeda figured that this was the logical route for Ferenhall to have taken as well, although she had yet to see any sign of him. She had shed her flight suit for the excursion and, though she still wore her body armor, wore only a T-shirt, khaki shorts and combat boots in order to make the stifling heat more bearable. "See anything!?" she called to Neil over the buzz of the fans. She had taken the driving chore for herself, having spent plenty of time driving similar vehicles in her time with the armored. It was possible that Neil might have been the better choice, particularly because it would free her to use weapons, but she didn't fancy spending the afternoon staring into the scanner they had bolted to the passenger side of the dash. Sayeeda still wore her helmet and she was using its thermal imaging mode at a twenty five percent opacity overlay, rending the landscape around her in subtle shades ranging from the cool blue of the water to the hot red of the engine. It was an old trick she had learned in forest warfare that made it more difficult for ambushers to lurk behind the cover of foliage unless they had serious tech to mask their infrared signatures. Sayeeda was much more worried about animals than human ambushes, although thus far all she had seen was a few lazy looking crocodillian type creatures sunning themselves. "This opens up into a river delta in about six more clicks," she went on, gunning the throttle to keep them airborne as the went over a large muddy creek feeding the river. "I dont see any settlements marked on the maps but who the fuck knows." She hoped they would find some sign of their quarry before nightfall, although driving that long on this course would take them all the way to the shallow saline ocean several hundred clicks distant. [@POOHEAD189]