[@mdk] No that's disingenuous, I'm not near any slippery slope of intellectual inconsistency or rabbit holes of left wing nonsense. Put your strawman voodoo doll away. What I said was 100% correct, that some White nationalist racists use harmless things such as milk and frogs as meme symbols, I made no other claims. Anything else you are inferring about the way I think is fantasy I'm afraid. You're sounding paranoid, you hear something anywhere close to something some left wing idiot has said and you start tarring with brushes. I've seen you do it before, you've mistaken people in this thread criticizing trump as somehow being sympathetic to Hilary, you've mistaken people in this thread attacking the alt right as some how being supportive of Antifa, you deal in black and white extremes and I want no part of it, attack MY ideas not some imaginary buzzfeed strawman.