[color=a2d39c]Kurt tried to look at the wound on his shoulder to see how it cleaned up. To his surprise it was basically gone, at lest visually. He could still feel it there. Krut had followed Ally towards the rooms and eventually found his own, what he found made his stomach turn over, In a relatively good way. [i]Holy crap...[/i] baffled by how they knew exactly what he was looking at Kurt slowly walked into his room and looked around. The walls were a shade of brown that was very easy on the eyes, this pleased Kurt because after living so long in a abandoned orphanage his eyes were not really used to all these bright colours that the mansion was filled with. In one corner there was a large day bed looking structure perfect for Curtis to lay down on, it looked sturdy enough to take a grenade. In the other corner there were lines of empty shelves for him to put trophies and other such things, he wouldn't admit it to most but he loves collecting things. Besides that hes room was fairly baron there was a cabinet for his to store clothes in, not that he had clothes. And there was a sturdy looking box for him to store things he wouldn't want prying eyes to look at. The people who were behind this were extremely familiar with how Kurt liked things. This room was almost exactly the same as what he had arranged in the orphanage albeit a lot cleaner. All it was missing was a pool, but Kurt figured that they left it out because there was already a massive one outside. He only briefly got to absorb what was to be his new home before the alarms sounded. He made his way back to the main room with the television in it. He paced himself not really wanting to damage the nice clean floors with his heavy footsteps. Every crack of thunder made Kurt flinch, he wasn't the biggest fan of thunder and even less so of lightning. He listened to Mr. Russo with a less then pleased look on his face. Before he could voice his displeasure Ally had already said what he himself was thinking. "I thought it was, no rest for the wicked. Aren't we meant to be the good guys?" Kurt's tone was a mix of annoyance and concern.[/color]