[quote=@Penny] Extra points if you use a ton of unnecessary verbiage to pad out the argument. [/quote] [quote=@POOHEAD189] I think Harbinger is guilty of this a lot more than anyone. But then again, if he didn't go off topic and make assumptions on people based on a Trump news site, he wouldn't write 9 paragraphs each post. [/quote] This is what I call a dangerous couple. [hider=xxx] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/b4/Mr_and_mrs_smith_poster.jpg[/img] [/hider] I mean poohead is absolutely right, about not applying broadstrokes, I do think everyone to some extent dips into occasionally, but Harbinger is my friend, and his long form of writing is sort of how he talks all the time whether it be on politics or not, so I tend not to judge him in this thread.