[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] but Harbinger is my friend, and his long form of writing is sort of how he talks all the time whether it be on politics or not, so I tend not to judge him in this thread. [/quote] I suppose what I said did sound needlessly harsh. I got nothing against him in general. I just know I've had points before and have had them lost in things I never said when talking to him. [quote=@mdk] That's all well and good. I'm not generalizing on purpose and if I'm not mistaken, I've owned up [i]immediately[/i] every time I do it. What I'm not gonna do is swing by the thread, see a post about "No, the people I see who did the milk meme totally WERE racists though," and pretend that the other 23 hours of my day didn't happen and I don't already know better. [/quote] That's fair enuff, tbh.