[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/nU1xK06.gif[/img] [h1][color=ed1c24]Arsenal[/color][/h1] As a young man came over to Arsenal asking for tips on guns he smiled, [color=ed1c24]"Yeah of course anytime, come with me"[/color] The two began walking over to armory walking down the isle where pistols were located and that was when the blue haired boy from earlier came up to Arsenal and asked him to teach him how to combat villains with weapons, [color=ed1c24]"There isn't any exact right way to stop an armed enemy, the greatest way to combat that is through training. Many heroes have their own way of combating against an armed opponent, martial arts being a popular choice that anyone can learn. I also offer afterschool insructing with hand to hand combat so stop by sometime and I can show you something maybe.[/color]. Arsenal said with a smile He turned back to Kamina saying[color=ed1c24]"I can teach you how to wield a handgun to begin with and then we will go from there, I use handguns myself the ones I use need serious strength in order to use efficiently. Like taming a wild beast"[/color] The man walked over to a small section where a glock 17 gen 4 was situated behind glass, he placed his left hand against th glass and a bright strip of light panned over the mans hand as it read his finger print before the case opened up. [color=ed1c24]"We use rubber bullets here though as a substitute for metal bullets for safety reasons"[/color] Arsenal opened up a draw and pulled out 5 ammo clips before grabbing an ammo pouch that was off to the side hanging on a hook. Arsenal walked over to the range with the boy, placing a pistol down on the counter before pressing a button on the side of the booth that made a shooting dummy popup. [color=ed1c24]"Alright so I will demonstrate how to shoot it then give you a go, first hold the gun with your dominant hand"[/color] Arsenal reached for it with his right hand before holding it up. [color=ed1c24]"Grab an ammo clip with your non dominant hand and load it using an appropriate amount of force to make sure the clip is in there nice."[/color] He took an ammo clip and slammed it into the gun and immediately fell into stance like it was second nature to him. [color=ed1c24]"Stance is also important, feet squared straight, arms fully expended with gun allign with middle of chest like your making a triangle. bend your knees a bit and lean forward slightly to allow that. Pistol, grip very tight but not too tight that you are trembling.[/color] [@Conscripts][@rechonq] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Fh3cqzK.gif[/img] [h1][color=9e0b0f]Roy Kusayanagi[/color][/h1] Roy smiled as Fumika seemed like she was just fine being with herself and he didn't exactly want to take her out of her comfort zone, she offered him a clone projection of herself but Roy shooked his hands and sheepishly declined. [color=9e0b0f]"No no its fine honestly, if your comfortable the way you are then by all means I don't want to mess it up.[/color] Roy took note of how this girl was oddly unique in her own way. An innocent spirit at the core and the way she refered to herself in 3rd person made the boy chuckle a bit before heading off, [color=9e0b0f]"Well if you do end up wanting to work in a group, my offer is still on the table, the name is Roy Kusayanagi"[/color] he said giving her a thumbsup and a grin before grabbing an apron, it seemed like Kaida had already put one on as well as fixing her hair into a bun giving Roy a full view of her face. His face turning a little red at how pretty she was, [color=9e0b0f][i]Mom would tease me so hard if she saw me right now.[/i][/color][color=9e0b0f]"You look pretty with your hair up, I can see your face fully"[/color] Roy said giving a genuine smile as He put the apron on and rolled up his sleeves taking his time in order to keep his shirt from getting wrinkled. He noticed Kaida had already started with cleaning the rice. [color=9e0b0f]"Yeah after you finish washing the rice, we are going to place it in the rice cooker. Considering this is domesticated rice, washing it thoroughly should improve the flavor. While you do that I am going to marinate the beef while.[/color] Roy searched through for a cutting board, knife, and small dish pan, he frowned a bit feeling like something was missing before lighting up.[color=9e0b0f]"Ginger and one more thing"[/color] he said under his breath before heading over to Connoissuer and grabbing the items. He grabbed a draining bowl and placed the garlic and Ginger inside to wash them quickly in the sink before taking the Ginger out and slicing the ginger into 8 pieces and placing them at bottom of the pan as well as 2 pieces of garlic cut into 4 and placing it with the ginger. [color=9e0b0f][color=9e0b0f]"You don't seem like a stranger to the kitchen Kaida"[/color][/color] Roy then poured soy sauce, Rice wine, olive oil, and his last ingredient, maple syrup before stiring the ingredients with a spoon spreading a sweet and tangy aroma. [color=9e0b0f]"This is a recipe my mother uses, some people might strike using maple syrup with beef strange but when the beef gets cooked it will have a nice glaze to it."[/color] the boy was genuinly happy when he cooked completely forgetting he was at a top academy. [@Heartfillia][@Feyblue] [/center]