[@Black Alice] [quote=@Black Alice] Vergo, one of the strongest Haki users in the series, was capable of this. And that's pretty much it. As for the Geppo comment, I have come up with a cool little experiment you can try at home, that's sure to impress the ladies. Try throwing a punch like normal, except halfway through the swing just throw your arm in another random direction. After a few tries, you may begin to notice a peculiar trend. Its awfully hard to hit your intended target, isn't it? That is all. Love, Alice. [/quote] I could be wrong but wasn't Luffy using armament haki when Hody Jones bit him? He even mentioned his haki wasn't strong enough to stop attacks at that level, and he didn't take on the onyx black look that Vergo and Pica had when they used the ability. So I assumed that the ability was in use even though he take on the blackish armor look. Even in the wiki article it describes haki as invisible armor. So, the reason why Pica and Vergo become all black when they armor up isn't that their putting the armor on, it's because their strengthening it. That's why when most people really get into a fight they only concentrate their haki into certain areas, because its a more efficient way to use their power. Which may or may not prove me right as at this point I'm not sure if we're discussing full body haki being usable by more characters or if the difficulty involved in doing it is so great it isn't worth the effort. o_O Uhh. Okay, I think I get where the confusion is as far as Geppo goes, but I could be wrong. I'm not saying that Jack can alter the courses of his attack with Geppo, he only uses it to increase the power. For example if he was going to use the Geppo for the purpose of striking he would draw back his fist for a punch and bounce his elbow off the air thus propelling it forwards for a more powerful attack.