So, just to simplify it. Let's make it clear that each faction has a single deployment zone, placed at the limits of the battle field, more or less at the same distance from one another. The Angels start at in an area with some old tombstones and mausoleums. The Demons at one of the entrances to the catacombs. The Machina at a small grove of dead-like tree. The basilica in the description is more or less at the center of the Graveyard, dominating the area. Distances are relative as always, let's just say that the battlefield is big enough, so at least a few kilometers wide. I won't really do much more when it comes to distance than this. [b][color=ed1c24]PS:[/color][/b] Just to make it clear, these base camps have no influence on the battle whatsoever. They are just a logistics convenience. You don't need to hold the fort or anything like this. Though, let's say that there's a faction aligned (non disableable) portal there for anyone who wants to bail out.