[url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/153843-dc-universe-anarchy-looking-for-players/ooc]The original RP I'm trying to restart.[/url] One and a half years ago a new Metahuman named "Anarchy" appeared, attacking government sites around the world. After each attack, he would post allegations against the government and site he attacked. This made him the enemy of the Justice League, who considered him to just be another super-villain who was trying to hurt people. He ended up working with various villains because of this and, one year ago, they attacked Cadmus, drawing the Justice League to them. During that fight Anarchy tried to talk Superman into standing down and, when that didn't work, pulled a shotgun out. Thinking that it couldn't hurt him, Superman slowly flew towards him, and Anarchy fired. The Kryptonite shards the gun fired embedded themselves into him and, after Anarchy shot him again just to make sure, Luthor landed behind the Man of Steel and drew a ten inch Kryptonite blade and ran it through his back. Anarchy reminded him that no one else was to die, and Luthor scowled, but complied. After the battle, Anarchy burned the body along with the Kryptonite and buried the ashes at a memorial in Metropolis. A week later Anarchy walked before all of the former Justice League members who were now being held in Belle Reve. "I held you here just to make sure you didn't try and stop us while we finished our mission. Every politician and military leader that refused to step down is now in prison awaiting trial for crimes against humanity. In order to guarantee that you can't secretly reinstall them into positions of power or continue to secretly rule the world from the shadows, every one of your secret identities is now public knowledge. Now, if you'll go through that door over there," he pointed to a door to his right, "your gear will be returned and your power-dampening collars removed. Welcome to the new world." --- Mark Patterson, CEO of Phoenix Security Services, formerly known as Anarchy, was in a meeting with his head of security operations, John Stewart. He looked up as Kevin Kirk, his assistant, opened the door. "Sir, there two men here to see you, Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen." "Of course," he said, "send them in." After they entered, he greeted them. Neither looked too happy to see him, but they weren't openly hostile. "So, how's the the plan coming?" "Not too good," said Queen, "Building a prison colony at the bottom of ocean isn't exactly easy, but Aquaman is letting us hire Atlantians to build and crew it." --- You can play as any kind of character you want. I'll make the script work for the characters. The locations I've created so far are the Watchtower, now the Lunar Resort, which uses "Young Justice" Zeta tubes to get to it, and the Phoenix office, which could be in Gotham or Metropolis, depending on where we start. [hider=Character Sheet] (Appearance here) Name: Super Name: (if you have one) Powers: (Super-human abilities) Technology: (Technology you usually carry with you) Acquaintances: (friends, family) Personality: (What kind of person are you?) Bio: (What were you like before the collapse, and what do you do now?) [/hider] [hider=Anarchy] [img]http://images.shopmadeinchina.com/AC5871D814BAC0CDE040007F010062F5/563/7202563_1/men-s-suits-Fashion-black-business-suits-wedding_7202563_1.bak.jpg[/img] but with a yellow tie Name: Mark Patterson Super Name: Anarchy Powers: He believes his powers are centered around his desire for freedom. As such, they are all tools with which he can either remove restrictions or defend against restrictions. Amplification: Suppresses the limits on a person's powers or physical body, amplifying them. The more he amplifies a person's powers the faster it tires them and the more it physically harms them. He is able to suppress the negative effects in himself quite a bit, allowing him to safely amplify his own abilities far more than he could safely amplify another person's. If use on someone with dormant powers, it will let them access their powers, allowing him to give potential meta-humans powers. Telepathy: Little more than Empathy unless amplified, he can feel another person's fears, concerns, and pain. If amplified he can speak telepathically, and if they allow it, can view another person's memories, though he can't alter memories or force his way into minds. Telekinesis: He can shield himself from attacks, either with a skin-tight or a bubble shield, and can lift objects, whether touching them or not. He can also fly. If not amplified it is limited to a few hundred kilos of strength and a flight speed of 100kph. If amplified he can lift up to 100 tonnes and fly at up to mach 10. Technopathy: He recently discovered that if he amplified his powers he could break electronic and computer based encryption and security. He is unable to access the files directly with this power, but he can break into them and download them or view them on the machine itself. Technology: Railgun pistol, Nanotube Armor body suit, wrist computer Acquaintances: Kevin Kirk (friend) Personality: He wants to help people be free. What you do with your freedom is up to you, as long as you don't use it to hurt anyone. Bio: As a child he was treated terribly but his drug addict parents, who rarely fed him but kept him at home to make him work constantly. When he was twelve he was locked in his home, desperate to get out, when the lock on the door broke and he ran away. He spent the next six years on the run, believing that the cops would lock him up if they caught him. While on the run, he learned to read and eventually learned enough to get his GED. He now realizes that he must have been boosting his intelligence with his powers, which would explain the headaches he kept getting. He also learned to use his powers and use them to his advantage. He got a job working construction, using his powers to secretly help himself, while taking classes online. Eventually he learned enough about technology, chemistry, and biology to start inventing things and selling the patents. He used the money to start Phoenix Security Services and, as they were one of the few security companies that had the technology to take on super villains, they began guarding research facilities. This included research facilities belonging to Lexcorp, Wayne Enterprises, Star Labs, and others. About two year ago he discovered that he could break computer security with his powers while investigating a stolen shipment of Lexcorp particle rifles. He found that the theft was ordered by a Us General Wade Eiling for use at a secret government facility in South America, and went there under the guise of a hero to get the shipment back. During the resulting battle, however, the base was destroyed and, when he told the press why he went there, they chose to say he was a terrorist. This got the Justice league involved and he had no choice but to side with the Legion of Doom for his own safety. He convinced them to follow him on the grounds that he would help them destroy the Justice League by amplifying them and their powers and, one year ago today they had their greatest battle ever. During this battle one hero did die, Superman, when Lex Luthor ran a Kryptonite blade through his heart. Anarchy flew off with the body to see if the Ultrahumanite could save his life, but the man of steel died on the operating table. They cremated him, after taking scans and cell samples to verify that he was completely dead and not just in another healing trance, and Anarchy returned the ashes to Metropolis, where he commissioned a statue for the fallen hero. After that he built up his Security force, hiring ex heroes and villains, as well as ordinary people, and set to work stabilizing the world by being a kind of police force that specialized in super villains. He hired Kevin Kirk about three weeks after the great battle, and the man became one of his best friends and his advisor. [/hider] [hider=Kevin Kirk] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/c5/51/e5/c551e59357fc3b351cf83534c0a45f98--clark-kent-lois-lane.jpg[/img] Name: Kevin Kirk Super Name: none Powers: Zero range telekinesis: He can fly at several times the speed of sound, simulate superhuman strength enough to bench-press buses, and defend against attacks. Technology: communications equipment, wrist computer (with holographic display) Acquaintances: Mark Patterson (Friend) Personality: He wants to learn about people and this new society, but is very helpful to people. Doesn't resort to violence except in defense. Bio: Just a city boy, born and raised in South Gotham. He took the midnight train going anywhere. At least, that's what he tells people. He doesn't remember prior to the collapse, when a stray telephone pole caused him to hit the pavement too hard and gave him amnesia. He was out jogging at the time, and didn't have ID, but Mark found him and unlocked his powers fully. Then he got a job as Mark's assistant. Lives in an apartment in Metropolis, as he hopes to run into someone who recognizes him. [/hider]