[center][h3] Sish and Jayda ~| Prisoner Cells, 13[sup]th[/sup] hour |~[/h3][/center] [hr] Sish walked through the compound, examining it and muttering to himself. It was sloppier than he’d like. Not enough veteran troops to actually guard the walls. The veterans scattered farther out than he’d like, and the truly elite ones left to constantly face the jungle, lest it overcome the walls. Couldn’t even get some of the veterans without having to wait for them to carefully land on the planet’s surface so they didn’t crack it and fill the surrounding area with lava. He sighed as he stared at the green troops doing their patrols along the walls. He had little to work with here, but he’d make it work. The Jedi would find out that some of their members were both alive and missing. Then they would come for them. Sish bared his teeth in a grin. “What fun that will be.” Setting off, the Sith Lord began to look for his apprentice. It was time she learned how to torture the enemy and show no weakness while doing it. Jayda stood in the apprentice quarters. Gradually, her grey purple eyes darted from end to the other as she absorbed her surroundings. Each detail was fixed into her memory making it difficult to not notice any displacement among the belongings unless she did it herself. Unlike any of the others, those who valued security of self designed purposes, she didn’t see the point in altering anything beyond the given basics. Mainly because she assumed her master and herself wouldn’t be here for any longer than was necessary. Sish wasn’t known for settling down for long periods of time for the period she had known him. When the holoprojector flicked on in the main room, her attention shifted to it and listened carefully to the announcements made by the Darth. It revealed much about the reasons other sith and herself were allowed to remain within the compound and their goals in order to gain favor. One particular ruling stuck out to the Zabrak however: no death would be investigated. A small smirk crossed her lips before her mood was soured by Sish’s image walking into the sector and immediately intending to toss her into the deep end of this whole mess. Sish grinned at Jayda, enjoying her discomfort.“Come along, apprentice of mine. We’re going to go find a prisoner and torture them.” He gestured, indicating that she should start leading the way. The apprentice’s figure tightened just slightly as she forced herself to walk, her boots clicked along the metal floor and into the lead. She had been fortunate enough to literally memorize the primary paths from the apprentices quarters to the prisoners, knowing fully Sish would force her to visit them soon. With a clever plan forming in her head, Jayda would ensure this would be the final resting place of the oversize lizard. “I hope you’re able to control yourself better than you did with me,” Jayda popped off in a distasteful tone at the mention. Her right hand hung close to her lightsaber and ready to pull it if her question encouraged the Trandoshan to abuse his position. They had just reached the turbolift that would take them upon the outside and open walkway. Despite her intended shortcut, Jayda wanted to make the trip a short as possible one. “Of course. I’m not testing them, I’m breaking them. And to properly break someone, you show restraint.” Sish replied. “Besides, Nyiss would be very upset if I tested them. Most of them wouldn’t survive it.” He strolled along the wall, examining the forest outside. “Quite a lot of monsters out there. Nyiss has been using this area as a dumping ground for failed experiments for years.” He looked at a passing guard squad, snorting. “The garrison is too green. Any strong push from the fauna or whoever comes to save the prisoners will sweep through them like a Rancor through Mynocks.” “How would you know if anyone’s going to notice they were even taken? Last I saw, while the ship was departing, was the Jedi Temple destroyed. It will take them years to learn exactly how many Jedi died or if any were missing.” “They’re more organized than we like to admit. They’ll find out members are missing in days. Weeks at most to find where we are. We’ll need to be ready.” He turned to Jayda, his eye flashing. “What’s your plan to convert the Jedi.” Jayda fell quiet at the request, her eyes still stared straight and didn’t seem to indicate she heard him. In truth, she didn’t feel like revealing she hadn’t determined that herself. Her pace picked up notably to place a bit of distance between as she broke the quiet, “Research over the individuals would be a better approach than merely just leaping in with your methods. Finding weaknesses and other flaws could help in breaking into their defenses.” He nodded. “Good enough. You don’t have the personality for it. Can’t fake that you enjoy it, can’t make them hate you.” His teeth bared as he thought for a moment. “We raided their files. There should be some information there for you. If not, you’ll spend a lot of time watching prisoner cameras.” “Files of course will only tell so much. Observation in real time, from their reactions to their body language, will tell so much more,” Jayda sourly pointed out through she still hadn’t Sish’s question to the degree she assumed he wanted. Sish grinned. “I guess you’ll be spending a lot of time interacting with the prisoners then, won’t you. Can’t get much observation from simply chatting to them. What are you going to put them in to see how they react?” He waved a hand towards the jungle. “We have quite the resources to do it.” “And risk them getting eaten by the wildlife and having the Darth severe my head from my shoulders, I think not. My limbs don’t grow back. I’m not in any hurry to get this done and personally, I doubt gaining the Darth’s favor is going to do me much good in killing you one day.” “You’ll have to figure out something. Either torture them or their friends, or put them in stressful, controlled, situations. Otherwise your plan isn’t going to work.” They walked down into another lift, the dense jungle disappearing. Sish grinned, seeing a squad of imperial troopers enter the cells. “Looks like someone has beat us to it.” Jayda let the conversation die as they drew nearer to the lifts, wordlessly yielding to the true. She was going to have to get her hands dirty. When Sish commented on the mention of someone beating them, she directed her attention to the Red Sith female who was currently addressing the prisoners. Naturally the first she spotted of the Jedi was a thin, blond haired human, a small Amaran, and another human who lacked her hand. The blond glared at the arriving Sith, his figure moved protectively in front of the others as if instinctively, as he spoke to the Red Sith first, “Pardon for us finding that hard to believe… I’m pretty sure no one wants to go with you willingly.”