Sorry Guess I should have tagged her; Here's the Witness [@TheUnknowable] [Hider=Witness] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Name: Trinity Smith (No really it's Smith) Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance: Black hair, Green eyes, 5’8” and like most Meta her figure and muscle tone perfect no matter what or how much she eats. Powers: [url=]Retrocognitive[/url], [url=]Omnilingualism[/url] , [url=]Probility Manipulation[/url] [color=yellow]Enhanced Physical Condition[/color] Personality: Trinity is a strange young woman who can be very gentle and understanding one moment then turn cold and hard hearted if it is to get things the way she wants. Generous she helps people never pausing to calculate how she can write it off her taxes but because it appeals to her sense of justice. Determined she is like a Honey Badger once aroused; small but tenacious. Bio: Born in Yellowknife in The Northwest Territories of Canada Trinity was always a curious child whose parents thought her inquisitive nature marked for the sciences and encouraged her to seek answers to her questions and cultivate a skill at research. When she was only 11 Trinity happened to pick up a school friend’s coat by accident and was stunned by finding herself reliving an abusive beating her friend had undergone just that morning before school. She screamed for her friend’s father to stop beating her but found out she couldn’t be heard or seen and was just about to try anything she could to stop the man when she was shocked out of her fallback as she’s come to call them when her teacher shouted at her asking her name loudly. Unable to explain to the school what she saw Trinity was sent to see the Board Psychologist and subjected to all sorts of screening and Diagnosed as a Schizophrenic and told that she was seeing things that weren’t there. Put on meds that made her sluggish Trinity looked to be damaged and had to attend a special school with other children like herself only they weren’t which she discovered after only three months and wished she never had. It was while attending the special school that Trinity’s power bored through the medicinal haze showing her the life her fellow students lead when not at the school and she was horrified to see the things they suffered at the hands of the people that said they cared for them but was afraid to tell anyone what she was really seeing for fear of becoming institutionalized. Only twelve years old there was little she could do that wouldn’t affect her in a negative way if she was found out so she put her abilities to use secretly gathering information about the abuse and printing the crimes in detail and sending it in a note to the abusers which actually put a dent into their activities and just to make sure that id did stop she began sending the Children's services copies. Her school blew up in scandal when the RCMP dug deeper encouraged by the data they held and discovered a pattern of abuse in the staff along with coverups. It was this scandal that caused her parents to move to California and it was there that Trinity tired of how icky the meds made her feel and the classes designed more as daycare than school. She gave her approach a great deal of thought and came up with a plan that was both entertaining to her parents; she did an object read on their car keys debit and credit cards and gave them an on the spot detailed description of what they had done that day. Naturally they thought it some sort of trick and her a clever girl but they also now had a bit of doubt and tried to prove it wasn’t possible but they quickly came around happy that she wasn’t a Schizo and then they felt guilty when the realized that they had allowed doctors to dope her up. It seemed as if everything was coming up roses as Trinity discovered she held other talents such as the ability to understand whatever was said around her no matter what the language and grew close once more with her mom and dad. It was the first time her cruel and capricious talent with probability revealed itself while visiting they were visiting Vegas. Her talent saved her by having her accused of theft and tossed into a holding cell, a holding cell that protected her from a raid by a gang who boldly but foolishly tried to spring their boss only to be felled by the cops when they stormed the jail. Her parents who had been trying to talk to the police were among the 23 dead but not the 65 wounded so she was alone. Her parents dead and Trinity just 16 and loathing the idea of becoming the latest guest of Child Protection who’d likely find out her status as a Schizo and force her back on the meds which she couldn’t tolerate so she sued to become emancipated and won her case because she had by luck an insurance settlement and passed a screening for her former condition the doctors citing that she’d been wrongly diagnosed and was in their eyes capable of taking care of herself. So two parents less Trinity now lives in the house her parents bought and manages her resources (1.4 million after paying off the house) She graduated school early but didn’t go on to college realising she could make money finding things and translating papers for universities while indulging in her cause as a Witness [/hider]