[@codex][@jakeb1993] I wouldn't consider this a complete CS application, but it covers most everything to see about approval and what might need changed. Also, anything in particular you'd like History to cover outside of the basics I have below? Is taking lieutenant alright? I was gonna add history about that, but I didn't want to go too in depth without approval and y'all giving input. Temporarily using The Artist as a code name until I can come up with better. [hider=Elena Crow][center] [h1][b][color=000000] Elena "The Artist" Crow[/color][/b][/h1] [Img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/12/86/7b/12867b59c56d6014ffed7a012cc6a0eb.jpg[/img] [hr][i][color=000000] True beauty is creation.[/color][/i][hr] [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Elena Crow [b]Gender[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Alignment:[/b] Guild [b]Rank within Organisation:[/b] Lieutenant [b]Birthmark Shape:[/b] A hazy looking crescent Moon [b]Location of Birthmark:[/b] Right collarbone [b]Magical Abilities:[/b] [I] The Pen:[/I] Elena can draw something and imbue it with magic essence, bringing it to life. [I] Creation: Ink Life: [/I] By drawing creatures, both mimicking real life creatures and imaginary ones, Elena can control them with basic commands. The less real a creature is made to seem, the harder it is to bring to life. These constructs are made of ink, making use in water or rain newly impossible unless Elena dumps large quantities of her magical energy into them, often limiting her to a single entity. [I] Creation: Ink Building: [/I] With careful precision, Elena can even create objects that act as a fairly solid, if mushy, substance. This takes more time, but less energy. Uses include a small board to cross a gap, a ladder, a wall for cover, etc etc. Not very useful offensively, as far as she's aware. [I] Cloak of Ink: [/i] Through careful control, Elena can Cloak herself in an inky wisp, only useful in darkness and shadows, to help improve her odds are remaining undetected. [b]Place of Birth:[/b] Charleston, West Virginia [b]Currently Residing:[/b] Middle of nowhere, West Virginia (home, but almost always out for the Guild elsewhere) [b]Personality:[/b] Elena is a fairly relaxed woman, hard to irritate but fiercely loyal. She's rather calm in most situations, preferring to be tactical in all interactions both in the field and during discussions and talks. Beyond that, she enjoys time by herself to read and draw [b]History/Bio:[/b] Born in a relatively large City, Elena was taught from a young age to blend into the world. Not to draw eyes, to keep undue attention away. To be polite and enjoy life. These were the lessons her parents taught her. Upon coming of age she joined the ranks of the Guild proper, to protect this beautiful world from forces who would wish it harm. From there Elena progressed relatively rapidly, dealing with missions effectively and resourcefully, and providing support wherever and however she could. Relationships [TBA after approval] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Relationship:[/b]Best Friends - Good Friends - Friends - Well known - Warm - Acquaintances - Unknown - Cold - Dislikes - Hates - Enemies - Rival - Nemesis [b]Characters opinion of them: (Why do they feel the way that they do)[/b] [/Hider]