[center][color=0076a3][h2]Zachary Ackerson[/h2][/color] [img]http://pm1.narvii.com/6479/4ef068eaaecab2c2ab0654f8360c652b88a691de_hq.jpg[/img] [b][color=0076a3]"I'm open to alternatives"[/color][/b][/center] [hr] [center][@Allthepeoplerelevanttothisparticularroleplay][/center] [hr] Zachary had taken the bow and wasted no time personally inspecting every inch of the weapon. A bow was not a very complicated weapon, but that did not mean that mistakes were impossible during creation. Unsurprisingly and thankfully, Zachary found no reason to complain about this particular one the Infinite Metalworker had forged. The Infinite Archer felt both anxious and calm now that he was equipped with a bow. Because of the situation they were in now, he couldn't get the nasty thought he might end up using this for something other than sport, but knowing you could potentially defend yourself was soothing in its own way given they were in a death game of sorts. [b]“That's why I was hoping Zachary could come with me. I'm not expecting the arrows to kill the traitor, but if they do show...”[/b] The conversation had headed in an interesting direction when he actually returned to listening to it. The Infinite Metalworker desired Zach's presence as a possible deterrent for any actions made by their apparent traitor while they attempted to rid themselves of a Carnage Sister. Battling something like that was not a pleasant thought. It was unlikely his bow would help unless they had some weaker points to them that he could exploit, and he had not physically seen any of these "sisters" yet. Furthermore, being put into a situation where he might be forced to harm or kill someone with a bow... Zachary rubbed the arrowhead necklace through his shirt, which it now hid behind. [color=6c9b8f]"Do you really think it will be that easy?"[/color] The Violinist countered. [color=6c9b8f]"What makes you think that Monokuma and his robots aren't already aware of this plan of yours? There are cameras everywhere so Monokuma will be ready to react to anything! We need to help Aleecia but we cannot be reckless about this."[/color] Nobody else seemed very eager to jump in, so Zachary decided now was the time he should offer his own input. [color=0076a3]"Yes, it's a very dangerous plan indeed."[/color] he agreed initially, but continued with, [color=0076a3]"But it is unlikely there's going to be any plan we can make that is not just as dangerous. At least with this one, we're the ones initiating the fight on our own terms to some extent. And passing up an opportunity to remove one of these beasts I've heard about sounds is something I don't suggest unless it's guaranteed we'll get another chance."[/color] he ended, before asking, [color=0076a3]"Besides, what other plans have we got?"[/color] Zachary looked around at others to see if they would provide one. He wasn't exactly excited about this plan, but he was unable to come up with one equally as good or better given what information he knew. Perhaps another would be able to?