[color=f7941d]"Welp... This is why I have this. Just aim after the beam..." [/color]Vala said as she pulled her Nova sniper cannon and took aim at the direction of where the ork wartrakk was approaching from. The greenskins weren't exactly know for planning and schemes so yeah... they would be still more than likely approaching from that direction without any changes. Luckily she wasn't affectd by teh gas due her helmet, but the visibility difficulty was non the less annoying. In this smoke wasteing a rocket was going to be quite the loss too. She flicked off the Las weapon to full power and pulled the trigger after aiming in the direction. The roar of hte laser was hard to miss as the beam cut through the cloud easily being seen. The laser was designed for a few seconds continues beam since it depleted the cannon cells that rapidly for a reason. It did impact hte wartrakk indeed, she wasn't sure exactly where it hit but it sure as hell hit. She could hear the sizzling sound almost. Even from the cover of the cloud the heated to bright glowing white aroudn where the Nova punctured through the metal could be seen. She was already aiming for the second shot though if she didnt' wait for the weapon to cool down for about 10 secs it would be requiring a lot of spare parts they didn't exaclty have abundance of right now. Steam could be seen raising from the heat dispersal function of the weapon.