[center][h2]Nicole[/h2][/center] [b]Lost Haven Police Department 8:40 AM[/b] Nicole sat, glaring at the one way glass, chained the same way she had been before. It had taken [i]ages[/i] for them to process the scene, and while Patricia had argued against it, stating self defense, the lead officer on the scene had had no choice but to take her in until they could sort though the carnage. And now she had been sitting here [i]all day[/i]. She knew she had gone overboard, but it had felt [i]good[/i] to exact vengeance on the fuckers that had killed those kids, and Patricia's partner. She didn't even know who they were, only that they had to pay. The door click, and a man walked in. he looked tired, almost worn out like an old dishrag, thin in spots. His greying brown hair was not at all combed and stuck up at odd angles, he had stubble across his face, and glasses that hung oddly off his long and crooked nose. His jacket looked as worn as him, brown and faded tweed, and he was busy fixing a misaligned button as he sat down. Once he had finished, he cleared his throat and set a small file and a voice recorder down on the table between them, then fixed her with his gaze. Despite his appearance, his eyes were focused and somewhat intense despite being a muted grey-green. “Okay, Nicole. I assume you realise there are some serious questions surrounding your behaviour and actions from last night at the bombing and this morning?” Nicky growled, “I was just doing what had to be done. They shot [i]kids[/i]. Were gonna fucking shoot [i]more[/i] kids.” “See, I understand that. But there are...legal difficulties, considering the current environment and the sheer amount of [i]carnage[/i] you left behind.” “I don't give a fuck about the 'current environment'. What the fuck does that have to do with me?” “Ah.” The man frowned. “So you have no idea who those men were?” “Some child killing fucks. Who cares? They're dead now.” He sat back in his chair and studied her face for a while. Nicky, for her part, glowered at him from underneath her bangs, leaning forward onto her crossed arms. It was some minutes before he spoke again. “Nicole, does anyone in your family know where you are? That you're even alive? We can't check, since you won't give us your last name, but you're quite obviously a minor.” She remained silent, though her glower worsened a bit. “I'll take that as a no. Can you tell me what happened?” “I killed some child killing fucks. Before that, a bomb blew me off a building. What more do you want?” “Well, for starters, why aren't you dead? We have some spotty video that shows you taking on what amounts to a small army, and all you have to show for it is some prison jumpers insetad of the clothes you lost.” He leaned forward, intent. Nicky sat back, attempting to cross her arms but restrained by the cuffs. She sat, silent for several moments. When he didn't say anything else, she snorted and said, “Fine, since you won't drop it.” She missed his confused look as she continued. “There was a huge flash of green shit, and a bunch of gang bangers blew up my apartment. My whole family was killed. Except me. And now I can't starve, or sleep, or get hurt. Nothing. I walked here from Philly because Icon was here and I figured he might know someone, or be able to tell me what to do, but all [i]that[/i] useless shithead told me was to go be a kid at this orphanage for troubled mutants or whatever. They seemed nice, and I was thinking about staying, when those fuckers shot it the fuck up. So I killed them.” The man sat back again. This time he was taking notes. “Rough time,” he said, almost offhandedly. “I take it all of this has left you fairly angry?” “The fuck are you, some kinda genius shrink? Do I look like I am having the time of my fucking life!?” He shook his head. “Well, how long do you think this conversation has been going on?” Nicky was taken aback by the question. “What?” The pen stopped scribbling. “I have a theory, but I need to know how long this conversation has been going. I haven't been keeping track.” “Uhhh.” She glanced around. There was no clock in view. “I dunno, a couple of fucking hours? You were sitting there waiting for an answer for for[i]ever[/i].” “Hmmm.” He stood up, and took the cheap little digital watch from his wrist. “Do me a favour,” he said, sliding it across the table. “Put that on and tell me what time it says.” Nicky caught it, and stared at him for several minutes, fairly confused, before finally putting it on. It was an awkward procedure around the cuffs, but her wrists were skinny. The face was nothing but eights when she looked at it. “What, is this some sort of trick, giving me a watch like this?” Her voice took on a sarcastic tone. “It's apparently eight hundred and eighty-eight point eighty eight o clock, asshole.” “Excellent.” The man was [i]smiling[/i] at her. “Go ahead and take it off and slide it back to me, please.” She followed these instructions. Her anger was fading, giving way to curiousity. As he picked the device back up, he glanced at it and wrote something down. Finally, he showed it to her. It read twelve thirteen in the afternoon. “When I gave this to you, it read eight forty-five AM.” She shook her head, trying to make sense of what he was saying. “I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm Doctor Robert William Crawford. I have PhDs in Theoretical Physics and Psychiatry, and I specialise in helping people like you get a handle on their abilities and their lives after it happens. I was called in because something is obviously very special about you, but the police do not want you running about murdering more people.” Nicky didn't know what to think about this, so she remained silent. At least he wasn't treating her like a child. “Now, while it will require [i]far[/i] more testing than I can do in a single interview, I think I know what has happened to you and what your power is, though you might not. Nicole, you've been temporally destabilised.” He sounded excited about this, like he had just discovered something miraculous. Nicky knew what those words meant, but it took her a second to put them together and figure out what he was talking about. Even then, it didn't make much sense, but he was already gabbing on again. She wasn't really paying attention until he said something about custody. “...and so we'll take you in at our lab. We can have a cot set up until we have more permanent quarters established for you. Obviously the Home is in no state to house anyone right now, and the police really don't want to charge you. Honestly, they're half convinced you deserve a medal.” “Wait, what? A medal? Does this have something to do with the environment thing you were talking about?” “Oh, right! I had nearly forgotten you didn't know! Obviously, with what you said, you wouldn't have heard about it. The men you so...Ahem. Vehemently put down...There is a terrorist organisation currently attacking most of the country, attempting to purge the land of everything not purely human. The Center was another target. Unfortunately, they seem to have fairly thorough records as to hideouts and whatnot, and they are hell bent on attacking anyone they deem a threat, including those who [i]are[/i] normal and are simply helping metas like yourself. Terrible business indeed.” Nicky stared at him for a moment before the door opened again and a detective came in and they began chatting. Her head drooped and she stared at the table, lost in thought. She was temporally out of the world, but she was still in it. Well, if he was a physicist, maybe he could fix it. In the meantime, that kinda, sorta, didn't at all explain to her why she was bulletproof. But one thing [i]was[/i] obvious to her. While she was bulletproof, or maybe everything proof, she should be helping out against these assholes who were attacking innocent people. She didn't know a lot about being a hero, but she knew those were the sorts she was supposed to fight. “Hey,” she said suddenly, not looking up. Both men looked over at her. “How do I sign up?” “Beg pardon?” the doctor said. “These fuckwads who are killing people. Someone's gotta be doing something, right? How do I get in on that?” The detective snorted. “You're what, fourteen? I can't let you know that sort-” “Shut the fuck up!” Nicky was suddenly on her feet, yanking on the chains. A violent humming began filling the room, like a jet engine starting up. The doctor stared at her, fasincated, while the detective back against the wall suddenly. “Just shut up! I'm fucking unkillable! It's not like I'd be in any fucking danger! Ask fucking Patricia, motherfucker! I can [i]help[/i], way more than your sorry ass can!” Nicky's vision was blurring. Was she crying again? The doctor held up a hand. “Please calm down, Nicole. We can talk about that at the lab. The detective here was not aware of what you can do.” “The fuck [i]can[/i] she do? Why is she blurring like that?” Nicky stopped straining at the cuffs and looked down at her hands. Her vision cleared up, and she saw that the cuffs had severely malformed, stretched as though she had been pulling them apart. She heard the doctor whisper something under his breath, but she only stared. [i]What the fuck is happening to me?[/i]