[Center][img]http://i.imgur.com/GsesBfZ.png[/img] [h2][color=C24641]Zak[/color][/h2] [img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/821c/f/2015/080/4/5/web_material___rose_line_by_baronpluto-d8miru8.png[/img][/center] One by one, or in some cases by the hoards, forces began to emerge across the pale expanse of the battlefield. The march of ascended human soldiers trampled over the barren land not too far behind Zak, led by the one he met in the library. The angle glanced back over his shoulder at them briefly, smoke drifting out on his breath. If it hadn't been for them grabbing his attention, he wouldn't have caught the glimmer of gunfire spark out several meters away. Without much time to act, the angel spit the joint through the air. Bellowing explosions rattled out in a rain of charred debris and dust as the joint ignited, bursting into a white hot ball of flames which stained the misty atmosphere with a brilliant light. Zak rode the force of the imposing blast, surfing on the raging hot and cold winds that churned out as glistening wings of fiery feathers spilled from his back. Disappointment drifted across Zak's otherwise aloof visage as the sight of his wasted joint, the sacrifice of which put him out of the way of the volley of shells. The angel glared out into the tangle of snow covered trees and cold wastes, gazing among the white landscape. He pondered why he always seemed to get the snipers as he fruitlessly scanned for the aggressor. It seemed they were behind cover or camouflaged. The amber hue of billowing flames began to dissipate, replaced by a glowing light which emanated from the palm of the angel. He only briefly mulled over the notion of playing hide-and-go-peekaboo with whatever hidden combatant that was trying to make him its target before deciding he didn't have the time. Fire lapped over his arm as the shining energy within his palm became a massive spear of blustering fire. With a swift flick of his arm, the spear was sent hurtling in the general direction of where he saw the gunfire. As it shrieked through the air at blinding speeds, the spear split apart into a radiant barrage which spread to cover several dozen meters of land, raining down with searing fury in an effort to consume the area in grand explosions. Zak didn't waste any more time waiting to see if his attack would flush out an enemy or two. Instead he made several vague and eccentric gestures toward Saef and his men, most of them pointing toward where he aimed his attack. It was probably already apparent to them what was going on but Zak didn't give that idea too much thought. Without another second lost, Zak shot off like a fiery bolt on wings of gleaming fire, streaking over the terrain as he burned a path through the frozen over trees and crypts. He flew low, zigzagging between the gnarled tree trunks and crumbling stone monuments toward the center of the battlefield. He searched for a high point with a good view to observe the battle from. Vacant groans and sickening cries of the decaying undead lingered in the air, filling the decrepit ambience of the boundless graveyard. Corpses dressed in tattered armor and strips of rotting flesh shambled listlessly amongst the graves, aimlessly clawing at the air as they reached out toward the rapidly approaching light that emerged over the horizon. Flames coated the earth, spilling over the decomposing masses as Zak shot overhead. Finally the angel emerged from his blazing ascent on top of a steep frozen hillside peppered with headstones. Smog trailed behind him, wafting up from the dissipating flames that burn out of his back before fading into the brisk frosty winds. Digging around in his pocket for another joint, Zak began to look around, letting his disinterested gaze wander about the...wait a minute. [color=C24641]"...You...."[/color] Awe and bewilderment struck the stone faced angel as his eyes widened before his expression was quickly consumed with a seething rage. He almost couldn't believe his eyes at the sight of Henry atop an ornate structure of worn stone and stained glass. He found the demons face rather forgettable before, but now he couldn't wipe it from his immediate thoughts if he wanted to. It clicked in his mind, all those demonic profiles he never really bothered pay attention to for longer than a moment when on the battlefield. He wouldn't remember some random he might have cut in half, but he remembers the one that cut him into bits. Zak wasn't too thankful. He wasn't too subtle either. One of the few things he and the one standing before him had in common. The blue in the angels eyes seared away into a deep crimson. [center][b][color=C24641]"Henry!"[/color][/b][/center] [center][img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/317e/f/2015/333/b/e/red_rose_divider___bottom_by_baronpluto-d9br00j.png[/img][/center] [center][sub]--- [@floodtalon][@Silvan Haven] ---[/sub][/center]