[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/WMeBojy.png?1[/img] [i]Meruem Kiryu[/i][/center] [indent]Meruem had recollected on his performance during the Quirk Exams. It wasn't spectacular and unlike before, nothing flashy or impressive had left a mark on the proctor. Mr. Walker was too concerned with his students to recognize the complicated applications, quick-witted adaptability, and moxie that he had shown. All were perfect aspects of heroes. Meruem, in that moment, so frustrated with that thought had thrown his towel into his locker and shut the metal door with his Quirk. The clang was loud in the locker room, his eyes dimly smoking before fading back to white. [color=orange][i]My dream to be The Symbol of Peace... Its all that kept me going back then. Mama, Dad... I'll try not be so sensitive but I'm scared. What if I--- What if I can't,[/i][/color] he let that soul-rocking thought trail off, falling off the edge of existence. He was too smitten with the idea; to even consider its falsehood was akin to an obsessed stalker being spurned. What [i]could[/i] happen next would not be pretty. [center][b]* * * * *[/b][/center] Now back in the classroom, he wore the persona of the jolly hero. On that sheet of paper, he wrote: [i]"Give me something really cool. Something that inspires action in others, that reassures them that a powerful, great, hero has arrive. I would suggest looking to the Silver Age for true inspiration for my costume. Most recently, All Might. The color scheme should be, orange primary and blue secondary. P.S. Go wild with it and make it SUUUUPER BRAVE!"[/i] While he wrote with the excitement and fury of a cavemen discovering fire, he could hear the chatter in the room dip then rise. The voices were distinctive, at least one of them was. He peaked his head from his paper, saw Haley, and with confused raised his brow. Her words during the exam, they had calmed him in the locker room too. The thought of his rival seeing him in such a fit, a tantrum really was unsavory altogether. It had reinforced his steeled spirit, straightened it out to be precise but in the process it had disturbed him too. He guessed he owed her twice, though she'd only know of the one.[/indent]