[center][h2][color=SteelBlue]Evil Rises Again[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Maximillian stepped forward onto the stool so his diminutive form could be seen over his podium. He looked out over the gathering of minions. Scientists, Spindoctors, Mercenaries, and many more had arrayed themselves before him to bear witness to his grand announcement. For the past month, they had been confused, lost without his guiding hand and he was now confident enough in his understanding of the situation for him to enlighten them. Behind him, his loyal henchmen stood at attention, observing their lessers. Jubei, Max's first and most loyal henchmen stood straight as a razor with one hand on his katana, ever ready for another attempt on his master's life. Dr. Neurocide was more relaxed in her stance, arms crossed and lazily surveying the assembly from behind her angular sunglasses. Colonel Blackheart stood with proper military decorum, eyes straight ahead and arms behind his back with his erstwhile companion Pendragon, a chimpanzee, resting on his shoulder. Lord Kane lurked in the shadow of the big-game hunter, eyes hidden by the shadow cast by his top hat. Montezuma shuffled from foot-to-foot and straightened his trench coat and floppy top hat with a small wave of his fingers. Eli Barracuda stood tall, glaring down at the minions with his arms folded in front of him; the perfect image of a criminal enforcer. Lastly, the Matron serenely attended to her knitting, humming a little tune to herself, but how she managed it with only one hand remained a mystery. Max coughed once dramatically. [color=SteelBlue]"Loyal minions! It is time for me to resume my conquest!"[/color] he began as the minions cheered their approval, [color=SteelBlue]"The Lair has been forcefully removed from my island by an unknown enemy,"[/color] at this, the minions broke out into concerned whispers, [color=SteelBlue]"Fear not! For I, in my brilliance, have had the foresight to survey this new location. As it stands, I am stronger than ever!"[/color] he proclaimed, slamming his fist onto the podium. The minions applauded his announcement, stopping when he raised his hands. [color=SteelBlue]"The science team has discovered a device of near-endless potential, and, with it, I shall bring this new world to its knees!"[/color] he concluded to raucous applause. Maximillian stepped down, soaking up the cheering crowd's enthusiasm. He walked off the stage, leaving the gathered army to disperse and attend to their individual tasks. As he entered the adjoining corridor, his henchmen filed out behind him and followed him into his Inner Sanctum. Once again, the team of elites stood at attention as Max seated himself at his desk, awaiting his orders. [color=SteelBlue]"Doctor,"[/color] he began without preamble, [color=SteelBlue]"gather a team of our best quantum physicists, a handful of scientists, and as many technicians as you need to establish a research station around that Node. Security will be handled by you, colonel. Two teams of Guards led by two Mercenaries each as well as a single Marksman. Will that be a problem?"[/color] he finished. [color=MediumSlateBlue]"Not at all, darlin',"[/color] Neurocide chirped. [color=Tan]"I'll handle this well enough,"[/color] Blackheart declared. Max nodded, [color=SteelBlue]"You two are dismissed,"[/color] he said, [color=SteelBlue]"now, Montezuma, you and a team of Guards are to scout our perimeter. Stay out of whatever open areas you stumble upon. If they are not traps, then they are places where enemy surveillance will be most likely to spot you. You are also to find some local birds and... [i]entice[/i] them to carry messages between the Lair and the doctor's research station. We cannot risk radio communications about the Node being intercepted. Understood?"[/color] he asked. [color=BlueViolet]"Ya, mon. I'll be headin' right out,"[/color] he intoned with a tip of the hat and turned to leave without Max's prompting. Max ignored the disrespect; the voodoo priest wasn't military and no amount of ranting or shows of power would change that. [color=SteelBlue]"Kane, Matron, I want you to patrol the Lair for now. Make your presence known to the minions and [i]encourage[/i] those you find to be slacking in their duties. Go,"[/color] he ordered with a wave of his hand. Lord Kane bowed low and the Matron quietly deposited her knitting into her purse. The pair left, Lord Kane leaving first to open the door for the aging lady who smiled and passed through with a [color=HotPink]"Thank you, dearie."[/color] Max regarded the remaining henchmen. [color=SteelBlue]"You two,"[/color] he said to Jubei and Eli, [color=SteelBlue]"are to remain at my side. I do not know who dared to interrupt my plans, but the chance of them coming for me is too great to risk being caught alone."[/color] With that, he swiveled around to face the monitors lining the wall of his Inner Sanctum, clearly ending the briefing. He leaned back in his high-backed chair and rested his head on one hand as he took in the delightfully mundane goings-on in the Lair mixed with the occasional screen of static where his hotel surveillance feeds once were. [color=SteelBlue][i]"Whoever you are, wherever you're hiding,[/i][/color] he swore mentally, [color=SteelBlue][i]"you will regret costing me my victory, and you will beg for your life as my Freaks rip you apart!"[/i][/color] Max chuckled low in his throat as he imagined his invisible foe being torn to pieces by the hulking abominations of science.