Haley looked at the design and was kind of torn on it. The design was great and looked really good, but it would bring attention to her features which she didn't know if she could handle. She was getting enough attention as it was now, with this outfit she would stand out from a crowd for sure. And she wouldn't look that amazing standing next to other heroes, which is exactly what she wanted. She wasn't there to be noticed. She was there to help people. "I like it." she said not revealing the whole truth but not lying either. "It does really hit that mark of noticeable but not to flashy. I'd say hang onto that picture. Then we can compare it to what the designers here at the school come up with." She smiled still a little red, she was touched by Lucas actually drawing the design for her. She felt a light tap on her leg and looked down to see Meruem's note drop onto her foot. She looked around not knowing who sent it then picked it up. She read it and knew who it was from instantly, she looked at it for a while then looked at Meruem. She then folded up the paper after scribbling a quick [i]Alright, I'll see you there.[/i]. She paused [i]What am I doing?[/i] she thought she crumpled up the paper then looked back up at Lucas. "You got any plans for lunch?".