[b]20. ANJALI TRIPURAMALLU[/b] (originally made for Glitter n' Guts (polyvore)) CS: https://urstyle.com/styles/489862 Inspired by: Noelle Selwyn, Valeria Rodriguez-Smith [hider=The Ringleader] ✨WRITTEN REQUIREMENTS✨ (X) Background (5) 🌟Name of your Show: Of Daises and DDT 🌟Aesthetic: A combination of the charm and whimsy of solarpunk and the sleek surfaces and pristine edges of a modern, high-tech world. Lush, verdant greenery meet gleaming solar panels, busy shopping malls, and quiet suburban streets. Picture spotless greenhouses filled with plants growing from beakers and nursed to life with artificial lighting that mimics the sun, crystalline pools surrounded by artificial forests, roof gardens illuminated by soft golden sunlight and exploding with trellises and potted plants, and highways lined with perfectly trimmed trees and colorful flower bushes. 🌟Premise in 140 characters: In a world of industrial toxins and Instagram captions, an ancient enemy has re-emerged. The deities of the old enlist three high school girls to defend life on Earth against dark magic and deadly pollutants alike. (X) Character info (10) 🌟Name: Anjali Tripuramallu 🌟FC: Neelam Gill 🌟Age: 17 🌟Role on team: Ringleader 🌟Personality (at least 5+ and 5-): Anjali is practical and pragmatic and gets things /done/. She values efficiency and a good work ethic, and she is quite the perfectionist when it comes to many aspects in her life. Anjali is a veritable battle-axe of a girl-she /will/ get what she wants, even if she has to constantly harangue an unfortunate soul to do so. Anjali never takes no for an answer, and she can be very, very pretentious. She's nigh-on indomitable and ever the realist, with no dreamy delusions or fantastical expectations. Anjali is unstoppable, unforgettable, and undeniably destructive...unless she gets the results that she wants. Anjali is absurdly blunt-she has absolutely no regard for one's "finer feelings" and "sensitivities", and she says what she means, head-on, without any subtlety whatsoever (much to Steph's exasperation). She has a reputation for being an "ice queen" because she can be rather cold; Anjali holds no qualms about walking straight up to somebody and telling them that their outfit is /atrocious/. That is, if they're even worth the effort that it takes (spoiler alert: 99% of the time, they're not). She is rational and logical and /will/ argue with you about the merits of drilling for oil in the Arctic Circle if you bring it up (another spoiler alert: there are none). Still, behind Anjali's icy demeanor, she can actually be...nice. Perhaps the most prominent example of this is her relationship with Steph-if anyone else talked as much as Steph did, Anjali would have ruined their social standing by now. However, Steph is Anjali's closest friend, and she would go through hell and back to protect her. So before you tell Steph that she needs to shut up, make sure you think twice; do you /really/ want Anjali glaring daggers at you as she tears apart your self-esteem? Another exception she makes is for people who genuinely care about the environment. No matter how tacky, irritating, hideous, or irksome you are, if Anjali thinks that you really, truly want what is best for the Earth, she will leap to your defense if anyone even /tries/ to make fun of you. Proud to the point of being arrogant, Anjali's face is perpetually arranged in an expression of impassive disdain. She's not very good at comforting people-she can scare them, yes, and make them do what she wants, but she's not great at making them /like/ her. Which suits her just fine. And though she maintains this facade of icy disinterest, on the inside, Anjali is just as insecure as everybody else. She hates her flabby arms and huge thighs and fleshy stomach. She hates the number she sees on the scale when she weighs herself. So she's going to /do/ something about it. Failure is not an option. With her snooty attitude and generally stuck-up nature, just whispering her name sends tremors down the underclassmen's spines. Anjali is most definitely /not/ a likeable person. No matter, though. Why should she give a sh.t about your opinion? +Strategic, intelligent, confident in her own abilities, dedicated, hard-working -/+Blunt, straightforward, assertive, outspoken -Downright mean, snarky, cold, insecure about her weight, confrontational, judgmental 🌟Likes: the color white, the color silver, pantsuits, elegant, classy dresses with minimal frills and/or decoration, black pumps, sharp pencils, being organized, all shades of dark blue, coffee without any added milk, cream, or sugar, girls who kick a$s, kicking a$s herself, people who get straight to the point (she has no patience for people who uselessly skirt around a topic), punctuality, people who have a keen eye for small, specific details, being bossy, doing what needs to be done, organizing/planning events, practicality and productivity, being obeyed, helping others, fighting for what she believes in, studyblr accounts, dance (especially ballet), biology, medicine, economics and math, environmental science and sustainable development plans, the environment in general, minimalistic elegance 🌟Dislikes: trashy pop music (basically, anything that Steph enjoys listening to), dirty clothes, rumpled clothes, stains on her clothing, messiness and sloppiness, people who are disorganized, people who are unprepared, people who are late, incompetence, sugary drinks (soda? Ew. Frappuccinos from Starbucks? Even more /ew/.), stupid rap music with lyrics that make no sense or lyrics that are sexist, "frat" boys and preppy white boys, sexist people, homophobic people, the color cherry pink (it's so garishly bright that it hurts her eyes), cheap knock-offs, people who have no regard whatsoever for others, people who are constantly being careless, chocolate cake with too much frosting, "fake" people, people who don't care about the environment, history classes (all the books are just /so/ biased), overly extravagant/gaudy decorations, idiots who don't realize that the environment is a huge issue (X) 🌟Character bio: (10) Right from the start, Anjali knew she had to be perfect. Perfect grades. Perfect hair. Perfect posture. Perfect /everything/. Her parents signed her up for a wide variety of lessons as soon as she could walk. Painting. Swimming. Violin. Ballet. Supplemental classes in math, reading, and writing as soon as she entered first grade. Her parents didn't see anything wrong with putting so much pressure on Anjali at such a young age. After all, they went through the same thing-Anjali's parents may have grown up in America, but her grandparents immigrated to the US from India. And they expected /more/ out of Anjali's parents than her parents do of her, or so her mother likes to say. Anjali excelled at her supplemental classes. And though she was a clumsy ballerina, as all six-year-olds tend to be, she would eventually blossom into a talented dancer. She wasn't great at painting, though, and she was only average at swimming. As for the violin? Please. Anjali is probably the most tone-deaf person on the planet. She did it until seventh grade, when she /finally/ convinced her parents that a) she sucked at the violin, and just /practicing/ more wouldn't help and b) they were wasting their time and money on expensive private lessons. Painting was gone by third grade, because her parents signed her up for additional math classes. And swimming was gone by fifth grade, because Anjali hated how the chlorine ruined her hair. Besides, dance, with all its precise steps and elegant grace, was more her style. Anjali has lived in the town of Canary Canal for practically her entire life. Her parents originally moved to Canary Canal because they had secured research positions at a government-run laboratory on the outskirts of the town. Anjali's mother is a statistician and data analyst, while her father is a chemist, with a particular focus on industrial substances. They were hired to work on an ongoing project-D.A.I.S.E, or Detailed Assessment of Industrial Enigmas. The objective of the operation? To assess and analyze the state of the soil and groundwater in the town of Canary Canal and its surrounding regions, decades after the Love Canal disaster. Perhaps it is worth mentioning that Canary Canal is only about ten miles from where Love Canal once stood. When Lois Gibbs and the Love Canal Homeowners' Association brought the toxic chemicals in their backyards and play grounds to the attention to the general public, the former suburban neighborhood became a veritable ghost town as families moved away and the government closed the area off, inciting a costly Superfund clean-up. But that was practically fifty years ago. When Anjali first moved to Canary Canal, it was a tiny little town populated mostly by researchers and scientists, the people needed to maintain the government laboratories and facilities (janitors, truck drivers, etc), and their families. However, a real estate company decided to buy the land and develop suburban communities in the area, causing Canary Canal's population to explode. Advertised as the first "environmentally-sound" community in America, the developers promised home buyers that all their electricity would come from renewable sources of energy, that there would be charging stations for electric cars at every conventional gas station, and that their water would come from "sustainable sources" (the original plan was to openly tell home buyers that it was purified sewer water, which is just as safe to drink as filtered tap water, but the marketing and advertising department changed the language a little bit-for obvious reasons). Whether or not Canary Canal is /actually/ an "environmentally-sound" community is up for debate. It is, after all, very much like any typical burgeoning suburban area in America. There are department stores and shopping plazas and swimming pools and malls and schools-but they're /just/ out of walking distance for the majority of the people living in Canary Canal. The recent surge in population has led to more land being cleared for houses and stores and parking lots; in ten years, people say, the town will be completely unrecognizable. But Anjali had never really been aware of many environmental issues until she became a magical girl. The Sisterhood-that's what They call it, anyway-was created to protect life on Earth. Anjali still isn't /totally/ sure why she was chosen, but she supposes that will come in time. She hopes it's sooner, rather than later-she's getting pretty damn impatient. Anjali discovered she had been selected for the Sisterhood during eighth grade. Stephanie Wang and Kaela Jones, her two closest friends at the time, would be fighting alongside her. It was a new, exciting experience...until Kaela was killed. They, the ones who controlled at least /this/ aspect of Anjali's life, wrote it off as a car accident to Kaela's family and the rest of the world. And Anjali hates Them for it, even though she knows that They cannot let the truth get out. Kaela was more than a flimsy /car accident/. Anjali vowed to herself that after she and Steph defeated Dr. Zombyss, she was going to /kill/ Them unless they answered for their actions. Life went on. Anjali and Steph entered their sophomore year of high school. Anjali was as cold as usual, Steph was as chirpy as usual, and everyone else was as annoying as usual. Nobody besides Steph suspected what was going on in Anjali's head, what /had/ been going on since middle school, when puberty hit and Anjali's skinny frame started to fill up. Anjali doesn't have the healthiest relationship with food, so to speak. To her, hunger is strength. It is power; it is one step closer to perfection. And right from the start, Anjali knew that she had to be perfect. (X) 🌟Skills (5): -Getting other people to do what she wants through sheer intimidation -Dancing (Anjali likes ballet the best, but she's not /horrible/ at modern/contemporary dance either) -Enduring pain (a strange skill, perhaps, but one must learn to appreciate pain if they're going to be flexible enough to do the splits with their front foot propped on a chair. Or if they're going to be fighting an insane maniac who's hell-bent on destroying life on Earth as we know it, though Anjali finds that there's less to /appreciate/ about being stabbed in the gut than there is in stretching until everything is sore) -Anjali has always excelled in math and science -Making others feel like they're worthless...oh wait, that's a /skill/? -Absolutely deadly in a fight, especially with a scythe in her hand and a blade tied to the end of her braid -Can control ice and snow and communicate with rocks and mountains; also has elevated endurance levels/stamina (X) 🌟Weaknesses (5): -Hip-hop. Anjali has never been good at it -Being..../nice/. Yeah, this is /definitely/ something that she needs to work on -Insecure regarding her own body -Seeing things from other people's point of view -Heart-to-heart talks (Anjali tends to be /very/ awkward about things like that) -Anjali's fighting style is much better for defending a stronghold than conducting an invasion. By herself, Anjali would be able to keep the enemy from /reaching/ whatever she's trying to defend, but she wouldn't be able to eradicate them altogether (X) 🌟Greatest wish and greatest fear: (5) Greatest wish-getting skinny and defeating Dr. Zombyss Greatest fear-being viewed as weak or vulnerable, gaining weight, being defeated by Dr. Zombyss ✨BONUS WRITING REQUIREMENTS✨ (X) 🌟Write at least 4 sentences for the character bio (5) (X) 🌟Include a link to a gif of your FC or that is evocative of their aesthetic: (5) https://68.media.tumblr.com/86c54c3b70582d691898d74d08d00a63/tumblr_n3vanpiVuV1tswxdyo1_500.gif https://em.wattpad.com/51478719ef06f31eeb84528d65553d652db4c067/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f566d664848774d46646644554f773d3d2d3430303136323234362e313462363530323235343239343533363236323235323530393432342e676966?s=fit&w=1280&h=1280 (X) 🌟 How do (or will) they feel about being a magical kid? (3) She finds it annoying, sometimes (/especially/ when zombie-bird blood gets all over her outfit or car, or when fighting those damn things makes her late for an event that she cares about), but Anjali secretly enjoys it. She enjoys the rush of adrenaline, and the pure /satisfaction/ she gets from hacking a zombie-bird to bits with her scythe. Some may find the exhilaration she gets from killing Dr. Zombyss's creations to be rather morbid, but Anjali begs to differ. Have /you/ ever been attacked by an undead bird who's trying to claw your face off? No? Then stop talking. (X) 🌟 What's their biggest challenge faced by everyday life (3) Trying to eat 1,000 calories a day (or less) without feeling like she's going to faint, especially when she has dance. (X) 🌟 What would be your OC's catchphrase, or what phrase do they use constantly? (2) "Fvck off." "I hesitate to articulate for the fear of deviating from the highest degree of accuracy." (It's an inside joke...don't ask) [/hider]