[hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/T1tv0pG.png[/img][/center] [hr] [h2]Shall we begin?[/h2] Your story does not unfold on a simple planet, nor a solar system. You are far too important for that. The decisions you make will echo across the galaxy for eons to come. Your journey begins on the planet Faren V, a prosperous world located in the Habira System. Whatever your reasons for being on such a world were, you all have arrived at the same fate. Awoken within an escape pod hurtling through an unfamiliar solar system with no memory of what came before, you have mere minutes to examine the planets before you and choose where your journey truly begins. Will you survive and search for answers? Or was this all the perfect opportunity to start life anew? [hider=CS Skeleton] [h2]Name[/h2] [hr] [img]Character portrait here[/img] [hr] [h2]Age[/h2] [h2]Species[/h2](can be human, Qari, Azaal, or a species of your own making. If its your own creation then I will work with you to ensure it is balanced) [h2]Profession[/h2] [h2]Personality[/h2] [h2]Biography[/h2](the basics like homeworld, family if any, career, how did you end up on Faren V) [h2]Equipment[/h2](1 primary weapon, 1 gadget or tool relating to your profession) [h2]Relationships[/h2](both parties must agree to this) [h2]Other[/h2](Theme song, personal items, etc) [/hider] [hider=Species CS Skeleton] [h2]Species Name[/h2] [hr] Species banner or example of species here [hr] [h2]Homeworld: (here)[/h2] [hider=Homeworld] Homeworld description goes here, climate, biomes, wildlife, location in galaxy, etc [/hider] [h2]Appearance[/h2] [h2]Physiology[/h2] [h2]History[/h2] [h2]Religion[/h2] [h2]Culture[/h2] [h2]Government[/h2] [/hider]