[@pyroman] When the mutant she brought in herself woke up, Heidi was as alarmed as he was, and it was only when she heard him shouting in Finnish that she decided to try talking to him in Russian, and to her relief, he understood and replied in German. "Please calm down. You're safe." "HWhere am I?!" "You're on the Blackbird. It's a plane. It's going to take you away from here." "Are you Russian?" "No, I'm Scottish." The other mutant had calmed down a little by now. "Your accent is good for a Brit. Is your mutation speaking languages." "No, but it helps. My mutation is that my brain's a supercomputer." "That sounds like it comes in handy," he chuckled, before offering her his hand. "My name's Matias. Sorry for attacking you. I just wanted to see that bastard dead." Heidi smiled and shook his hand, replying "Heidi. I completely understand. I also wanted him dead, from an emotional standpoint. From a logical standpoint, It would be much more productive to ruin him in the long term, rather than make him a martyr." "You speak sense. Not surprising, given your mutation." It was at this point when the door to the blackbird opened up and a consruct foll of other mutants were dropped inside. Booker assured her that she had this, but she wasn't so sure. She gave a glance at Matias, and, still speaking in flawless Russian, asked him if he'd back her up if she needed him. He agreed. Chrys also came back, the first one besides her to reach the Blackbird, but before she could ask him for help, he took his seat and passed out. The mutants were restless, though none of them tried to leave the blackbird. Their desire for revenge was strong, but now that they were out of the facility, that weren't exactly keen on the ideas of going back in. Plus the adrenaline was starting to wear off, and fighting armed guards was looking like a less and less good idea. Heidi cleared her throat, and then spoke, very clearly, "Raise your hand of you can understand English." A few could, so she explained what was happening in English. She then tried the same thing with all the other languages she knew until she had told the situation to every mutant in the plane.