[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/uZT9izU.png[/img] [b]Four species of life have emerged on Planet X. The [color=khaki]Tirjux[/color], the [color=indianred]Shal[/color], the [color=lightblue]Qekyd[/color], and the [color=lightgreen]Vrozz[/color]. Evolve.[/b][/center] [hider=Base Rules]Each round is one million years apart, and each post ends the previous round. You can post once per round, but cannot vote for the same species three rounds in a row. Each of your posts earns you a point, which can be accrued for specific requests and events. You can combine points with other players by communicating agreements in the thread in order to evolve certain species.[/hider] [hider=Cell Market]Two Points - Specific trait (+1 Vrozz Speed, +1 Shal Strength, +1 Qekyd Constitution, etc.) Five Points - Physical Trait (Flagellum, Mandibles, Vertebrae, etc.) Five Points - Environmental Shift (+1 Hot, +1 Dry, +1 Cold, +1 Wet, etc.) Ten Points - New Multicellular Organism (Pick a color, shape, and diet.) Fifteen Points - End Cell Stage[/hider]