[center] [img] http://i.imgur.com/ZnOpQuF.png[/img] Location: Smithy's drug and grocery store, Las Vegas (lobby) Time: About 9-10 pm in the Evening [/center] [hr] Ben was about to ask a few questions, his hands quickly tossed in a few steaks, before his nose caught something familiar. His nostrils twitched and flickered, trying to place the source. Instinctively his posture became ridge as his eyes panned the store’s scene. Several shoppers stiffened then collapsed, their figures dropped one by one for seemingly no reason at all. Unaware of his edginess, Ben’s lips pulled back to reveal his teeth. A soft growl that rippled from his throat into the air. A warning to stay back to any knew a werewolf well. The hairs on the nape of his neck stood erect as his eyes widened, appearing to be angry. Inside his inner beast began to rise to the surface and for a dreadful moment, Benjamin thought he would be transforming right here and now. [color=chocolate] “Friends of yours?”[/color] the teenager snarled toward the White Witch, his tone tensed and uncomfortable thanks to the scene quickly turning into trouble. So much magic in one area that it was hard to tell which belonged to who as his mind tried to process it all. His fingers wrapped about the cart’s handle bar until the knuckles were pure white. Already his skin was tingling causing more alarm to swell in his breast at not knowing if it linked to his fear or transformation. Things became worse when the lights fizzled then popped, the room grew dark until only light came from the exit signs. It doused everything in a faint, crimson light. More fear poured into him the sensation flipped his stomach and twisted his insides. A nauseous waved over him. It pounded upon him relentlessly as he tried to calm himself, a feat that was much more difficult than originally he presumed it might be. Benjamin met the golem’s eyes when she focused upon his little ‘group’. Already he was sweating and trying to keep himself human, a challenge that set him on fire inside. [i][color=chocolate] ‘Why the hell does this always happen when I want a normal day?’[/color][/i] In his mind’s eye, his wolf peered from the darkest corner and glared at him. It’s teeth bared in a low, warning growl to allow it out. In a feeble attempt to remain in control, Benjamin turned his attention toward the newly arriving human. He was silent toward her subtle jab filled with self importance. The comment only farther pissed off his inner wolf. At any moment, he knew his strength in holding back the wolf would fail and all hell would break loose. Benjamin’s eyes narrowed on Freya when she requested more time, his words spoken through gritted teeth,[color=chocolate] “Easier said than done. If you haven’t noticed, I’m not doing too well… shit.”[/color] When Benjamin finished, heat swelled in his chest then exploded outward. Veins felt like they were set on fire as his figure crumbled, curling into a miserable ball. First the bone cracked and shifted, joints repositioned into more canine features. His muzzle extended forward causing the skin and clothing to rip, revealing blond fur underneath. Marie and others would notice there was less blood than in previous transformations, but it was still messy.