A survival aituation? Once again Anna could feel herself beginning to grow nervous. In a survival situation, her powers were going to be a problem. If she felt endangered or threatened, her powers always just seemed to act on their own, something that wasn't good when she was still trying to hide her powers and her past from people. But, he was saying he wouldn't try to make it dangerous and that he would make sure that they were safe. So, whatever they came up with wouldn't be so bad. Right? She looked to him and slowly nodded, though there was still a slightly unsure look on her face about all of it, "Well...I suppose if you promise it will all be safe, then we could go with something like that." What sort of survival situation would it be she wondered. It wasnt like there were many safe things to do to go into a 'survival mindset'. But then again, looking at Jay, he seemed like the type of guy that would like the outdoors. So, of course her first thought on the type of survival situation would he choose would have to do with the wilderness. "Ummm...I can go ahead and do some research while you look for or think about our survival situation? Maybe we could get started on working on the research through out the week and then try the survival situation this weekend? If you've picked the situation by thus weekend that is, or didn't have any other plans?" She questioned, not wanting to intrude if he had already made plans this weekend. Judging from the way the girls in the classroom seemed to swoon over him and how undeniably good looking he was, he probably had a girlfriend or something to go out with. If he did, it wouldn't surprise her at all. She on the other hand didn't have anywhere to be or anyone to hang out with. It was all about school work for her, so that she could keep her scholarship. Plus, it wasnt like she had anyone to hang out with anyway, "I'm pretty much free to work on the project any time."