(The following events take place after the long rest; collab with [@Lauder][@Hekazu][@Zverda][@JBRam2002]) Belching a loud yawn, the jester marched into full view, still masqueraded in blanche skin, but slightly scantily clad. [color=ed1c24]"That hit the spot! Ooooh! Everyone's awake."[/color] Ogling at Jill beginning to prance and strum her lute, the clown yodeled at the top of her drowned lungs. [h1][color=ed1c24]"DANCE PARTY!!!! Who's in???"[/color][/h1] "Nemiea couldn't help but laugh at the woman's mannerisms, finding it just amusing, shy or crass. [color=c0c0c0]"I would never turn down a bit of dancing,"[/color] the Tabaxi replied, [color=c0c0c0]"Was thinking of performing downstairs anyway, a nice warm-up would do me some good."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Poifekto, my Unicorn-Saber Tabaxi friend! Let the jiggling begin!"[/color] Nemiea smiled and followed the woman's lead, pulling off some rather exhilarating acrobatic feats with her current tango collaborator. It had been some time since she had been able to stretch out in such a way, and she was rather pleased. [color=c0c0c0]"Jiggling we shall do!"[/color] With that, the geisha leaped, coupled with her mate, the feline sorceress, onto tables and chairs below, daftly tip-toeing, twirling, and high-kicking their movements into a wonderfully erotic ballet. The enormity of the parlor was vast enough to continue these sensual shenanigans, indefinitely, as the lute further picked up its beautiful melody. The vocal cords of the comical mage soon belted out, in attempts to join in harmony, but unfortunately did not account for the aquatic current to subdue her falsetto. She giggled nervously, almost contemplating that she might have lost her voice overnight from her late night activities with Askia. [color=ed1c24]"Props are fun, but I guess I'm a little hoarse."[/color] She laughed a little stronger, as a small pony suddenly appeared, stationary, as they hurled onto the next counter surface, the equine idol becoming faint as they pirouetted through the minor illusion, with gradual deep and low dips for one another. Nemiea was undeniably leading their paired routine, but as the musical world was spinning around them, her eyes caught Askia, next to Cynthia. Lunging out a hand to slap the kobold, she reared the arm in dramatic fashion. [color=ed1c24]"Get your ass in here!"[/color] [h1][b]THWACK![/b][/h1] Nemiea smiled and grabbed onto both Askia and Cynthia, pulling them into the fray of merriment and twisting bodies as people played and boogied. She wasn't above tugging people into the camaraderie, but she also would not force them if they backed out. [color=c0c0c0]"Come on you two, stop being bumps on a log and have some fun!"[/color] The formation of the quartet liberated the joker from any hindrance in preventing her from issuing out her flute. She remembered promptly to throw away the dart, loaded in its chamber, as she would commonly use the pipe as a makeshift blowgun. The overarching tunes synchronized superbly with the trots of the troupe, alongside the evanescent string plucking by their talented Jill. Forgetting to uphold the farce of Dyn as their leader, she barked a comment that might crack the Beholder's false position. [color=ed1c24]"Hey Cap'n! Let's go! We're almost at the climax of this jamboree!"[/color] And those words shook Dyn'yer'zhead out of his thoughts. What, now they were demanding him to join in? No, the clown had made a mistake. They had spoken to Jill as the captain. While he knew it to be the truth, he was not going to blow their cover right now, not when he had already hidden her real position for so long. He made a sound that slightly resembled coughing before he floated off his seat and opened his mouth in a song. From his mouth erupted words of a language few spoke or had ever heard, but the most unbelievable thing was his voice. Far was the gurgling, unnatural and abhorrent tone the Beholder usually exhibited, for now his voice was like the choir of angels had joined together with the band of the most seductive voices of the deepest hells. Though a sudden change in language left him slightly stumbling in the pronunciation of some words, it wasn't like anyone would know. After delivering two verses, he drifted back down, not bothering to trouble himself more than that. Koan should be thankful he let her off the hook without any rays of frost to her rear for bringing this upon him. While Askia was busy tapping her feet and the likes with the other two girls, some eerie alien noise riled her. The lyrics were unrecognizable, but brilliantly eloquent like honeydew on a pine cone. The kobold did not know what the Beholder meant to accomplish; it was a duo of salvation within damnation. The Kobold had her own plans to outdo the tentacled pirate's peculiar verbiage. Askia opened her maw, in competition, and released her own musical declaration, granted she wasn't classically trained in the arts. All in all, the celebratory carnival was a marvelous fĂȘte to appraise, both annoying the other guests attempts to eat and sleep, but invigorating to all those who took part. Once the boisterous gala completed, the Kor warrior provided laudatory applause to their kinky company. [color=ed1c24]"Y'all made me so proud."[/color] She wiped an imperceptible tear, as foam began to materialize upon her lips. [color=ed1c24]"Singing in this shared shower was a lot of fun. Until you get shampoo in your mouth."[/color] She babbled on with the punchline. [color=ed1c24]"Then, I guess, it just becomes a soap opera."[/color] She ran over to Askia and jabbed an elbow into her side. [h1][color=ed1c24]"GET IT? SOAP. OPERA."[/color][/h1] She bent over, hooting and hollering, haphazardly revealing a portion of her gluteal cleft for viewing. [color=ed1c24]"I crack myself up sometimes."[/color] [hider=Effects] Song of Rest for an additional 4 HP for those who spent Hit Die. A bunch of Performance and Acrobatics rolls were done. See Discord for deets. Koan only used [i]Minor Illusion[/i] for the puny pony and the soap, to make it even [i]punnier[/i]. HP: 43/43 AC (15): Cloak of Protection (+1) + DEX Mod (+4) Weapon: None, Rapier is sheathed and Shield is cinched to her back. Arcane Focus: Diamond Tongue Stud Concentrating: Nothing Bardic Inspiration (0/3 used) Sorcerer Points (1/4 to be used) on Mage Armor, once we leave this shindig Slots: Warlock First Level (0/2 used) Spell Caster Level = Sorcerer (4) + Bard (3) + Rogue (0) = Seventh Level First Level (0/4 used) Second Level (0/3 used) Third Level (0/3 used) Fourth Level (0/1 used) [/hider]