[color=FFE700]Fiers' Opinions of the Rest of the Company; Alya: "She can play a mean tune, but she really ought to speak up more, since some of us have a hard time figuring out which rations to pack for Little Miss Silent Treatement..." Elsie: "You know how you'll beat the snot out of some arsehole who calls your mom a bitch even if deep down inside, you know the bastard's right? Yeah." Reignald: "Ah, Reiggy. What a fellow. Has endurance like you wouldn't believe, for a man his age. You just wouldn't expect a man of his vintage to nail them as often as he does, and as hammered as he makes them, they still cool right off once he's done getting them hot. I'm talking about swords you blasted pervert. Get your mind out of the gutter." Rosha: "For a girl who claims to favour the straight and narrow, she sure loves to talk about her 'void' an awful lot. Although, maybe that explains itself quite nicely. Come now, you didn't think I was going to go for the obvious 'Master' joke did you? No, I don't think the Virtuous Company has sunk low enough to hire on any members of the Bator house. They're an awfully shifty group of nobles after all." Ricardo: "In spite of his good looks, muscular ability, and penchant for concocting potions and chemical blends of various effects, I have it on [i]good[/i] authority that consuming those purple pills of his does not [s]engorge[/s] increase one's performance in any measurable way. Shame though, I bet he could whip something like that up in a heartbeat, should anybody need it. Nobody in particular, especially not any of the members of the Virtuous Company whose ability to garner female attention is lauded through kingdoms and fabled in legend. No sir. Ricardo also smells like a wet dog sometimes, so there's that." R'Ornn: "Now I know that the Virtuous Company doesn't accept pets, but the closest analagous thing is a short mini-elf that can sparkle. It can also impale things. So a sparkly impaling midget and we couldn't get a Manticore? I'd be affronted but at least Ricardo won't murderfuck this shiny pokey bastard, and I won't have to make do with a legitimately fantastic area rug. ...How about that? Maybe I'll get a manticore after all. [i]RICARDO! CAN YOU DO A THROW, MAYBE A NICE SPREAD FOR ME? I SWEAR I'LL PAY YOU BACK FOR THE MISSING PURPLES![/i] ... Shit I don't think he knew about that. Maybe R'Ornn can crystallize the door he's trying to break down. No? Come on, don't go all PETA on me now! The Pernicious Egregious Total Assholes already got me arrested on charges of manticore trafficking!" Edit: Someone made a snide comment. I overdid it. XD [/color]