[quote=@Bishop] Elements? hah, I can make it rain 24/7 or just cast a random hurricane... but every part of the world has some ind of physical phenomena and people live in the world so I cross paths with civilization.[@Too Old 4 This] [/quote] Yeah, elements would be fun because you can throw a storm at the PCs when you feel it's appropriate, invent new fantastic environmental hazards, and run adventures in the more hostile areas. Obviously there are reasonable limits, but this is why it's on advanced. Would not trust a casual with the power of lightning bolt. [quote=@Innis] I'm interested in this, especially in the Spirits or Magic coGM categories. We would also have characters, right? [/quote] Yes, though you would want to try and avoid crossover as much as possible. You shouldn't play a wizard if you are GMing magic, a forest elf if you are GMing nature, etc. Honestly I almost called Magic. I have a personal pet peeve regarding fantasy worlds where magic is just arbitrary hocus pocus with no underlying theme or arcane logic that unifies it. Decided it would not be fair, though.