[@Karos][@Zapdos] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/spray-paint-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170829/4c080b52f95e7f9355bdd469bb965e33.png[/img][/url] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/a1/29/cc/a129cc6d500c06441928b3e8bee75b75--steampunk-gas-mask-military-costumes.jpg]Picture[/url][/center] Pam adjusted her things and her suit closures then checked the seal on her mask as she sat waiting for the present situational adjustment happened. She had learned in her survival to save her energy till it was needed; to act as a predator. She knew that some people saw it as a reason to distrust her and to tell the truth she didn’t care, this was about survival. Already her environment was shortening her lifespan by attrition and made her elder years cause to consider self deletion. Man had been the Apex predator of planet earth till the planet decided to show him his hubris. Pam had plans because without them her survival chances became worse. She saw herself as accepting her primitive condition and using everything she’d learned to enhance her chances. Man had gained strength to stand above the beasts of the earth because man cooperated in groups and group dynamics was at the core of human sanity. Presently her eyes were on Calvin whom she saw as three times more valuable than a powerful fighter type; fighters died early while craftsmen were protected assets