[Tirñea] Serena's coughing fit startled the girl, and had Veronica not been so quick Tirñea would have likely rushed over herself. She listened carefully to what Serena had to say, not entirely understanding the answer but deciding to ask for clarification would further confuse things. Instead she paid more mind to the words of caution offered to her, considering the encounter and weighing that she may have acted cocky. In fairness the man hadn't chosen to attack either, so her actions had the desired effect. If Ashley had been one of these vampire like Serena claimed, it explained the state of their driver who was still unconscious and lain on the road. As Serena and Veronica briefly discussed their next course of action, Tirñea moved over to where their driver had been hopefully resting and knelt down beside him. Gently she put her staff down and tried to examine his current state, the wounds in his neck painful looking but not bleeding. When Serena asked if she'd like to join them on the continuation of their journey Tirñea only nodded in response, moving closer to try listening for the driver's breathing or heartbeat. "I am not sure if he is okay," she announced worriedly, lifting her head up and looking down at the man, unsure what to do.