[@RumikoOhara] Anarchy isn't an Anti-Hero by a long shot. To break down the definitions: [b]Hero:[/b] Does the right thing, no matter the cost, even it means giving of themselves. Example - Superman, Batman [b]Anti-Hero:[/b] Pursues a heroic goal, and is an otherwise Heroic character that is willing to do shadier things to get the job done. Example - Red Hood, The Punisher [b]Villain:[/b] Pretty obvious. They're the villain, they probably have a selfsh goal of some kind and are willing to do anything to reach it. Example - Lex Luthor, The Joker [b]Anti-Villain:[/b] A form of villain whose end goal isn't evil in and of itself, but the means by which they try to achieve it are evil. Example - Sinestro (still wants to enforce galactic law but prefers using Fear over Willpower) or even Ultron (wants to "protect" human life by destroying it)