[center][b]Main Characters:[/b][/center] [hider=Doctor Crusher]Race: Human Age: 36 Rank: Chief Medical Officer (Commander) Bio: Lost her husband and raised her son by herself. Currently single, she has a kindness that sometimes forces her to go against the Prime Directive. Even so, she is a fierce woman who thinks of her patients before her own safety. In her spare time she practices yogo and various forms of martial arts. [img][/img][/hider] [hider=William Riker]Race: Human Age: 38 Rank: First Officer (Commander) Bio: Born on Earth (Alaska) William never had a strong relationship with his father. At present Will is known to be an excellent tactician and someone who is able to see both the big and the small picture. His level-headedness allows him to be someone many fellow crew feel they can confide in. He is loyal, protective and in his spare time enjoys playing the Trombone. [img]https://www.trekterest.com/source/stngsource_thumb/Star-Trek-gallery-enterprise-next-generation-0030_resize.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Nyota Uhura]Race: Human Age: 26 Rank: Communications Officer (Lieutenant) Bio: When her father was killed, Nyota resolved to still follow his lead and join Starfleet. She excelled in Linguistics and progressed through the Academy without any incidents. A recent addition to the crew of the USS Enterprise, she works with communications and aids in translating a dizzying number of languages. Nyota is very confident in her abilities and enjoys a bit of banter, respectfully. [img]https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/10/101742/2137136-u7.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Geordi La Forge]Race: Human Age: 35 Rank: Chief Engineer (Lieutenant Commander) Bio: He was born blind due to a birth defect but at age five, was given a special VISOR to allow him to see, albeit differently than everyone else. He discovered he was quite skilled at engineering and decided to make it his focus while at Starfleet Academy. Eventually assigned to the Enterprise-D he went on to become a necessary member of the crew, proving that his tenacity and passion could only strengthen the crew he could call a family. [img]http://www.writeups.org/wp-content/uploads/Geordi-LaForge-Star-Trek-LeVar-Burton-a.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Data]Race: Humanoid Age: Looks about 37 Rank: Second Officer (Lieutenant Commander) Bio: Created by Dr. Soong, Data is an android. He is fascinated by humans and wishes to become more human. He is very logical but allows his companions to assist him in their lives so he can learn more about humans. Despite being human, he does have a brother, a fellow android. Data owns a cat named Spot. [img]https://qph.ec.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-0417eca4677fd2420dafdb1b4c0b90e3-c[/img][/hider] [hider=OC Gabe Hillard]Race: Human Age: 23 Rank: Ensign Bio: From Ireland, Gabe Hillard attended Starfleet and found his niche in research and journalism. Gabe acts as an aid to gather data and input new information into the computer system. He keeps logs on new discoveries and other interesting finds. He is somewhat idealistic and optimistic though has trouble speaking up. [img]http://shayalonnie.weebly.com/uploads/5/7/5/1/57510987/1698021.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=OC Nex]Race: Betazoid Age: 44 Rank: Ship's Counselor (Commander) Bio: Very empathic and genuine, her ability to sense emotions from both humans and animals alike, allow her to communicate openly with everyone she comes in contact with. That said, she has a sharp tongue and knows when not to cross lines with people. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/eb/58/e5/eb58e524515441dfed9eaa41bf95ec97--fresh-makeup-simple-makeup.jpg[/img][/hider] [center][b]Minor Roles:[/b][/center] [hider=Guinan]Race: El-Aurian Age: Very Anchient Rank: N/A Bio: She is a woman of mystery, her history spanning back centuries despite her appearance. She is very wise and can be found tending bar at Ten Forward. She shares an interesting history with Q but she is very tight lipped when it comes to talking about herself. Guinan prefers to listen and offer advice to those who need it. Interestingly, she does not conform to Starfleet code of dress and can be seen wearing various colored robes and hats. [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/aliens/images/7/7b/292px-Guinan_%282366%29.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100213143432[/img][/hider]