[center][h1][color=fff79a][u][b]LIGHTNING ROUND[/b][/u][/color][/h1] [img]http://rs1064.pbsrc.com/albums/u362/Please_Edit_Me/Chakra%20Elements/lightningkanji-1.png~c200[/img] [@Spanner][@Kalas][@Ganryu][@yoshua171] __________________________________________----------=====----------__________________________________________[/center] [b]THUM![/b] As Hikaru's fist collided with the drum, a beat surged through the room. Everything shuddered. The walls and stairs rattled like body had picked the whole room up like a toy. Every vibration thumping through the four competitors and letting it ring out. The drum slowly began to die out, still shaking like a leaf before it stopped. The room was silent for a moment, and then once more, it was shaken to the core. A sound echoing out, but unlike the drums, it's far more beastly. [center][u][b]SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE![/b][/u][/center] A beast screamed into the air, once more shaking the room. But, there! A flash of light! In the already bright room it would be impossible to track, but it was there. Another flash, and the group was hit by a force. A force like a bull smashing into them, blinding siding them completely in that blinding white light. And then, it was gone, vanished into the shimmering light of buddha's glow. But more a moment, as a shadow of one of the four brushed along the form of the enlightened one... [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Bv2zVTh.png[/img] [b]And then it was gone. Leaving only Buddha behind.[/b][/center] [b]Something[/b]... Something was very [color=fff79a]wrong[/color] about this challenge.