[center][h2]Jericho Joranis|Flight of the Valkyries[/h2][/center] Jericho opted not to respond to the Turian pathfinder, not out of spite or racism, but because he had a job to do and he knew how to run danger close ops with friendly forces near the firing zone. "Try and tell me how to do my job..." he mutters, another outcrop of trees that seemed to fit the bill exploding in a mess of dirt and flaming trees and foilage. This pattern persists all around the established perimeter until the Eclipse starts. Jericho's forced to pull up prematurely from a run while his vision through his cockpit changes and at the same time orders from Ryder came in to provide air support. Gritting his teeth, he resumes the run he'd been forced to abandon before taking up a hovering position inside the perimeter, circling it slowly and firing into the trees. {Just mark where you need me most and I'll light it the hell up.}