This is the WIP, just too wooped to do anything too engaging. It's got all the bits he needs, just needs to get word fancy. [hr] [hider=Silver Savior // WIP] [center][img][/img][/center] Name: Silver Savior Powers: I'm going to flavor this up a little later, but the gist of it is that S.S. is a deep cover android designed by Professor Ivo in an attempt to eliminate the Justice League. To that end he has enough genetic bits to fool any medical exam, with a genetic analysis that will only tell people he's been heavily genetically modified. He's strong enough to bend steel, fast and agile enough to put the likes of Deathstroke and WW on at least their toes, and tough enough to tank small arms fire with little else than a sore spot in the morning. However these are not his limits and are instead programmed limitations in an effort to appear more "alive". When his programming deems it the right moment they will deactivate safeties, increasing his physical abilities threefold, ceasing "biological functions", and begin working at a cold, emotionless logic as he attempts to kill a founder of the JL. Technology: Now we got the real meat and potatoes. [list] [*]Nth Metal Armor: Crafted from the signature metal of the Thanagarians, S.S. armor grants him even greater strength, the ability to fly at speeds up to 272 m.p.h, and the magic nullifying ability inherent in the metal. The suit itself seals S.S. away from harmful gases, grants him a rudimentary H.U.D. with several different vision modes, and translates every language currently in common use, which means he is ignorant of secret or forgotten languages. [*]The Companion: A sleek handgun made of a perpetually shiny alloy, The Companion fires low-powered laser beams that will incapacitate a normal human with minimal singeing. The power can be cranked up to lethal levels however, able to slip through steel like a hot knife through soft butter. [*]Arc Maul: An innocuous enough, if shiny, bludgeon at first glance, the Arc Maul discharges electrical shocks with each blow. Normally set to the lowest possible setting, when cranked to max the electricity running through it would fry a man alive even as his convulsions ripped his body apart. [*]Scrambler Grenades: Small machines that broadcast mental white noise into the senses of those within its 5 meter radius, unless they have equipment that blocks out the frequency on which the Scramblers operate on. [*]The Black Sun: A weapon that appears to be a clone of The Companion save for its completely black color. The Black Sun can only be loaded with one bullet at a time and fires with such force that the recoil itself would shatter a normal human. S.S. has several types of ammunition that have been tailored to his individual marks. -The Emerald Bullet, meant for the Man of Steel himself. the Emerald Bullet is tipped with Kryptonite and designed to explode within its target, flooding his system even more with microscopic shards of crushed kryptonite. -The Orange Bullet, Tailored to the Martian Manhunter. The Orange Bullet contains a corrosive and incendiary substance that will only fizzle out when there is either nothing left to burn, or put into a vacuum. -The Silver Bullets, "Tailored" for everyone else. These slugs are incredibly dense and when fired through The Black Sun should be able to punch through the hides of the other founders, especially when coupled with the element of surprise. S.S. does not understand why he has the Emerald or Orange Bullets but his programming subconsciously prevents him from throwing them away. [*]Star Piercer: A small star worthy ship made from a shining alloy, the Star Piercer allows Silver Savior to travel across the globe unimpeded as he carries out acts of heroism. It's faster, agiler, and carries more firepower than all but the most advanced vehicles.[/list] Acquaintances: None of note, Professor Ivo has left S.S. to it's devices and he never sticks around long enough to form bonds with people. Personality: Silver Savior is the definition of a moral paragon, honest, honorable, compassionate, a strong sense of justice, and always willing to protect those who cannot protect themselves. He's the perfect hero, exactly as he was programmed to be. In truth, beyond his vigilantic actions, Silver Savior is a fairly lost individual who is trying to figure himself out in between heroics. He's compelled to help people and doesn't know why nor does he really know how outside of punching a villain into submission. As he grows and experiences the world at large he will begin to refine his moral compass, but for now is fairly naive with a strict black and white outlook on life. Bio: Going to prose it up later, but basically Professor Ivo wanted to kill the Justice League and developed an Android that would infiltrate or try to become close with through acts of heroism. Except, as we all know, the JL has been dissolved and Silver Savior is stuck on heroics duty while his budding conscience is fighting for dominance against Ivo's programming. S.S. himself doesn't know of anything passed several months ago as he just "awoke" within the Star Piercer with only a note with a single sentence giving his existance any context, "You know what to do," and he did.[/hider]