[color=mediumpurple] A small murmuring could be heard behind the door that held R'Ornn. The noise grew steadily louder and would likely draw in more curiosity, but it was unlikely any would care to stay near R'Ornn's cabin and listen. However, not many would have the chance to escape the noise as it escalated and the tiny Savolin burst from his cabin. "WHAT ARE WE, KIDS!?" The tiny Savolin immediately flung out his hands as he levitated down the hall with all their cabins and tore all the notes off the many door ways. He then scrambled them in his hands and replaced them on the doors. "FIERS! You filthy dog! I will leash you to the crow's nest and let you drag behind this here boat! STAY OUT OF PEOPLE'S THINGS! Some of us are trying to work." R'Ornn's face held an expression of only moderate irritation, despite his surprising deep and thundering voice. However the Savolin grew extremely quiet as he found Alya's door and slumped down on the ground, almost instantly falling asleep. He had spent the remainder of his energy on his outburst, after five straight days of research and note taking in his cabin with no sleep. [/color]