[@LuckyBlackCat][@Darkmoon Angel] Tommy looked up to reply to Cici, but before he could, the nurse had already brought out her Pokemon and she rushed off to make sure they were OK. Standing, he slowly approaches the counter and inquires to the condition of Amica. [color=Gray]"Your Froakie's in rough shape and we want to keep her under observation. Is that alright?"[/color] The news broke Tommy's heart, but he gave an affirmatory nod before turning and heading for his room. [color=Teal]"I'll see you in the morning, Cici. I think I'm just going to get some rest."[/color] Upon reaching his room, he stayed awake long enough to let his other Pokemon out and then passed out, and was still snoring when the sun came up the following day. [hr] [hider=Notes] Tommy: TP: 80+1=81 CP: 48+1=49 Pokemon: [color=SteelBlue]Froakie: Amica, Female-level 15[/color] [color=DarkGreen]Bulbasaur: Epsilon, Male-level 13[/color] [color=SaddleBrown]Eevee: Beta, Male-Level 7[/color] [color=DeepPink]Ralts: Jerus, Male-Level 11[/color] [color=GoldenRod]Gible: Sharktooth, Female-Level 7[/color] Inventory: 1/10 Poke Ball x1 [/hider]