Johnny hadn’t been the same since the destruction of his guild, all forty of his friends dead and him the only survivor. He was the only one left because he was out getting his pay from his most recent job. The Sierra guild, casino, and resort, the place where one could begin again so matter what. The place that spoke of love, life, family and more for all who entered, stayed and joined. It was so long ago yet it seemed so recent in his memory. Now Johnny walked the streets unsure of his path despite that he hunted for those who slew his guild. He suddenly remembered the fairy tail guild, a guild just starting when he joined the Sierra guild. He tried to remember the current grand master of fairy tail as Johnny had met him after his guild's destruction. He soon found himself at the fairy tail guild’s doors he hesitated but he had no choice if he wanted to find those responsible. He soon entered the place being as lively as usual. Johnny placed a hand over where his heart and guild mark was. He slowly took steps, suddenly recognizing Natsu one of the more famous wizards of fairy tail and what appeared to be a new member that was getting her mark. He cleared his throat “excuse me Natsu? Is your guild master in? there is a matter I wish to discuss with him.” Johnny seemed unsure despite his intimidating appearance. This felt wrong to him on so many levels. There was no way he could join this guild but he was without a home and without hope. His eyes darkened and the temperature in the air started dropping suddenly as more memories came to him. He recalled those days with his friends the oaths of brotherhood and fairness they had once shared. Johnny was stuck in the past he hadn't been living or moving for years. all he cared about was finding those who destroyed his friends. He felt lost, adrift on the sea of life and it felt like no body knew it but him.