The roar of engines and the loud groans of machinery echoed across the tundra, carried by the cold wind across the northern landscape. Menials, technicians, and combat engineers worked diligently, overseeing the construction of one building after another. Soldiers marched through the fortifications, while others rested, and some readied their arms and armor for deployment. Large columns of armored vehicles sat motionless, quietly awaiting for their chance to take the field once again and crush their enemies beneath iron treads. Aircraft soared overhead, busy airstrips and flight control towers standing in stark contrast to the silent vehicle yards. Above everything and everyone stood the Node, its shadow engulfing the steadily growing fortress. The monolithic structure hummed softly as a steady stream of resources and power poured from it, and out through the small web of smaller production facilities GDI had constructed within the last month. They were reminiscent of the tiberium refineries which they had relied upon for so long, but now that they were free of the damnable substance, something else could take its place. They were similar to the Node in shape, though far more spartan and military in their design. Unlike their progenitor there were not needless ornaments, details, or metalwork to be found on their structure. Each of these sub-nodes were connected to the original mega-structure, large cables running along the frozen ground towards the massive spire. Along with the original these structure, they were GDI's priority, great walls fitted with hundreds of anti armor and infantry defenses surrounded them, fortified within the outer wall which surrounded the ever expanding base. General Elijah Cunningham stood in his new seat of command, poring over a map of the nearby area that his men had scouted. The display screen glowed a soft blue, and he could see a small glimpse of his reflection. It was quick, and distorted, but he still saw what he had begun to see every morning in the mirror. An old man, with grey hair and a face lined with age and worry. He was drawn back from his own reflection by a hand resting on his shoulder. Elijah turned to find Reed by his side, as he had been since Tib War 3. "Sir, we have new information for you to look over. What's more Dr. Reynolds assures us that at the current rate of progress, we should be able to create a self sufficient Node of our own. Nothing quite so grand as this big bastard, but suitable for our purposes." The officer's tone was optimistic as usual, and Cunningham smiled at his old friend's enthusiasm as he took a dossier from his hands. Quickly scanning through the pages presented to him, the General gave a satisfied nod before placing it onto his desk. "Excellent, give the good doctor our thanks, and remind him of the importance of his work. If we can master this technology, when we return home to the rest of GDI, we'll be heroes, figures of legend even." The General turned towards the window, overlooking the sprawling base and all those who now called it home. "All of us have a roll to play here, Captain. As always, I expect the best from you, your men, and your fellow officers. This is a chance few ever get, and a circumstance unheard of in which to take it. Call it fate, divine providence, or even dumb luck, either way we won't squander this opportunity." He looked back towards Price, his expression stern as usual. "When you next hear from Lieutenant Price and Sergeant Sheppard, inform me of their progress in the field. Dismissed." With a salute from Reed, Cunningham returned to his desk and the mountain of documents left for him.