[@KawaiiKyouko] Leon looked over at his uncle as his looked with disdain over to the loud mouthed berserker who was jeering at his staff for drinks. [color=8dc73f]"Is that one of 'em Leon? Can't tell if it is or not. Looks like one of them fancy assholes alright."[/color] Collins said as he looked over his shoulder. He made sure to keep quiet in order to not piss off a potential customer either way. [color=00a651]"Yes Berserker class. I don't know his name though. At least he isn't destroying things, and roaring."[/color] Leon said as Collins frowned deeply and took a more bitter sip of his drink. [color=8dc73f]"Fucking Berserker class...for real? Those god damn assholes tend to lead to a lot of violence. You're aware I won't let that slip by in this bar right? I may not own the whole place by myself but I still won't let fucks take it a part if they get angry."[/color] Collins told Leon who nodded as he suddenly noticed another girl walk into the bar in a rather foreign looking outfit. The woman spoke in a different tone that the berserker did but she looked a lot better than the other one. Collins's eyes widened a bit as he gave a whistle as Leon only began to understand the depths of his folly in coming to this place. It was the one place in this side of the world he was safe but he suddenly realized what type of man his uncle was. The sly grin on his face was a wolfish one, and despite his drunk nature Leon thought better of his uncle. [color=8dc73f]"Now there's a beauty Leon...real piece of work that one."[/color] Collins said as he continued to talk before Leon could correct him. [color=8dc73f]"You see foreign girls have a lot of weird stuff they're into but they're always hot as balls. Don't see too many Asian girls here in this end of Scotland."[/color] Collins said as he began to get up he straightened out his clothes a bit as Leon grabbed his hand. [color=8dc73f]"What? Don't tell me you're going to give me some sort of spiel about god damn women. Leon I'm a hot-bloo-"[/color] Collins started as Leon smirked, [color=00a651]"That's Rider. Not in the sexual way, I think, but the class from the holy grail."[/color] Leon began as Collins stopped full speed and stood there for a moment. He gave a grumble and smacked the table before sitting back down. [color=8dc73f]"Of course...god damn holy spirits. Always got to be the hot ones doesn't it? I mean look at her god damn Leon."[/color] Collins said as he gestured over to Rider, and Berserker. [color=00a651]"It's just the way things are uncle but why are you so hard against heroic spirits?"[/color] Leon asked as Collins looked at Leon silently. He looked serious for a moment as he looked over Leon. [color=8dc73f]"Say Leon have you ever had a girlfriend? Ever gotten lucky with some poor girl? You're not bad looking for a guy. A bit shaggy but you seem to have grown up to be a nice boy."[/color] Collins asked Leon who eyed his uncle with confusion. [color=00a651]"Um why do you want to know?"[/color] Leon asked his uncle as he didn't respond merely waited for him to answer, [color=00a651]"The answer is no uncle. I've got some female friends but I've always been training with my dad, and or my friends. I want to get into a career for dueling. I enjoy a good challenge and with my family line of fighting I thought it would be natural. Thus I never really have had the chance for a girlfriend."[/color] Collins said as he looked down at Leon with an amused grin. [color=8dc73f]"Alright then Leon I expected better of you. Come on here for a second."[/color] Collins said as he grabbed his nephew and pulled him up off the chair. Leon still felt disappointed about his failure earlier today. So he expected something from his uncle but not a pep talk about girls. Collins pulled Leon all the way over to where Rider was sitting, and Leon looked up confused at his uncle who stood a little taller than he did. [color=8dc73f]"Hey sweetheart got a moment? My boy, and I were talking over there and he was being a bit coy about it but..."[/color] Collins said after tapping Rider on the shoulder a bit firmly. [color=8dc73f]"Turns out that the boy thinks you're pretty hot. He's never had any experience with a woman care to show my boy how to treat a woman like you? I know this sounds pretty stupid but the kid needs to experience in bed."[/color] Collins said seriously as he gripped Leon's shoulder to prevent him from getting away as Leon's face lit up red, and he glared at his uncle. [color=00a651]"H-hey! Wait a second I didn't-Uncle Collins this isn't cool!"[/color] Leon said in embarrassment. It seemed his uncle planned to try to throw him under the bus. [color=00a651]"Not that you aren't a pretty woman Rider I just I mean uh how should I put this?"[/color] Leon started as Collins laughed and patted Leon on the shoulder clearly amused by this whole thing. [color=8dc73f]"What the boy is trying to say is he wants to get you in bed but he's too polite to say otherwise."[/color] Collins stated confidently as Leon looked up at his uncle in utterly speechless. He couldn't even respond to his uncle's statement it was too blunt, and caught him off guard. How the hell did you deny something like that?