[@KoL] He's in the graveyard killing the spirits and undead? The post said there were undead there, and since they are shaped like humans he considers them like that. The plan was for him to meet a demon person, probably vampire rose chick and have her get him to join by telling him he can kill a bunch of humans in the war. Also did I misread the post, I thought the whole place was a giant graveyard? So I was just having him pop in in some random section of the graveyard, and eventually end up where the other people are. Where he sides with the side that looks least like humans, eg. Demons. If that doesn't work I can change it, but I can't see what you mean by he's already in the basilica. EDIT: also the idea for how he got to the graveyard was that he 'hitched a ride' with the spirit of the guy he killed. I was thinking since he absorbed so much of the dude, that he would be able to follow him to where his spirit went. If that doesn't work also I can change it, just was trying to find a way to get him there and join in.