[center][h1]The Republic of Retherfed[/h1] [h2] [/h2] [/center] [h3] The Republic Announces Peace[/h3] On Janurary 5th 1919, a mere 2 days after the creation of the Republic of Retherfed. The President Joseph Friver who was a Blaquinian from birth which only added to the conspiracies and a wealthy tradesman before and during the war. Would give a public address to the new parliament which was set up in Ashhaben as the former capital was under pact military occupation. In it he would address the people as well as his neighbors. “My fellow countrymen, I President Joseph Friver would like to offically announce that the war has ended and that our soldiers are finally returning home after years of fighting and the countless lives we lost may finally have their moment of rest.Yet we can hold our heads high and surrender with dignity as we fought well and never gave up. It was merely poor business and that the stalemate of the war would give us nothing yet cost so many lives. Even still I’ve been assured that this formal treaty will be nothing more than a slap on the wrist, as 6 years asgo the world plunged into darkness and it’s now the time for rebuilding not for threats or punishments that will only cause hatred. For at this moment my own Foreign Minister Leonard Jovek, is meeting with members of the pact of unity to formalize the treaty with honor. It is with high hopes that the people of Retherfed can sleep well tonight knowing that tomorrow brings a new dawn. This war which put us into the dark age will be uplifted by the current regime and the rebuilding shall begin. Tomorrow, the parliament and my office shall work conjointly to get this country on track, until then Hail to the Republic.” After the speech the President began writing orders for new factories to be built and lead by his fellow Blaquinian upper class citizens. He also got to work attempting to get into contact with the Republic of Blaque in order to sign a trade agreement. Meanwhile he was also waiting to hear the terms of the peace treaty which in his belief were going to be light as the war was with the monarchy and the monarchy is gone, yet time would prove him wrong. As for the thousands of active soldiers the republic had 70,000 of them would be put into reserve status as the cost was too great and he saw no need for the world was at peace. [hider=President Friver’s orders] 1 new goods factory would be ordered for construction in Ashhaben. 70,000 soldiers are put into reserve status 20,000,000 will be invested into Agriculture 20,000,000 will be invested into Pharmaceuticals 10,000,000 will be invested into Mining 10,000,000 will be invested into automobile factories 30,000,000 will be invested into Electronics [/hider] [h3] A Purpose Rekindled[/h3] As Draven Lurdoff returned from the front his head slouched down as he like others from the war felt betrayed by President Friver and the new republic. They had been pushing further and further into Vornheim, even after the collapse of their allies, it made no sense for their to peace on their terms that was until the rich merchant and bureaucratic Blaquinians believed the war was finally bad for business did they begin to spread lies about the horrors of war and how victory was unreachable. They were able to create food shortages even though there was more than enough to go around they did much to turn the people against the King Lukas Gate’s. In the end when victory was close at hand,the revolution started and took a mere 5 days for the kingdom to fall and the Republic to rise. Even now, Draven had heard the speech the President gave a few nights ago and spat on him and his followers. All of them were damn Blaquinians and were ruining Retherfed for the Retherfedians, they made factories for Blaquinians, the government was filled with Blaquinians, Blaquinians held positions of vast wealth and the Retherfedians were forced to be their servants. Draven could see this and immediately quit the army, for he wouldn’t take orders from a damned Blaquinian and yet without the army Draven was lost. Before the war he was a failed writer with no family or friends, yet during his service he was useful and found purpose. A corporal in the Retherfedian army, he served as a messenger and he had been awarded the Circular Hero Medal, the highest honor an enlisted soldier could receive for distinguished service. So in Ashhaben, he spent time loittering about unsure about what to do until he found his way into a beer hall, in it was a meeting of the Nationalist-Socialist Retherfedian Works Party.They were small and the majority of the group in the beer hall barely listened but as an old man droned on about how Retherfed must be taken back by the Retherfedian and blamed the Pact for the current situation Draven shook his head at how laughable it was yet the group was interesting and he needed an outlet by so much so that by night's end he joined the party and agreed to start giving speeches about what truly needed to be done. Only time will tell how far it does. [h3] Retherfedian Workmanship [/h3] Under President Friver’s regime he wanted to begin restoring relations with his neighbors and fix the economy by providing business for companies, upon hearing of the Saurtarian Republic’s call for a new rifle he found a way to kill two birds with one stone. He immediately got into contact with his Ambassador in the republic Radingotn Travis and told him to speak to the foreign minister of the Saurtarian Republic to offer the license for the Radington-16, which was an newer model due to the war and was treated with extreme respect from the soldiers as it was better in comparison at least to their beliefs than those of the enemy nations. However due to the surrender of Retherfed and the war being over the president saw little use to them and would be more then willing to get an increase in money if it meant trading away weapons.