[h3][colour=2C3CB7]Andrew Jones[/colour][/h3] September 5th, 1969 0749 HRs "Come on Andy!" Richard shouted up from the bottom of the stairs, before Malcolm shouted up after him, "We'll leave without you!" "Give me a minute, would you!?" Andrew shouted back, pulling his shirt on. Andrew still wasn't used to wearing his own clothes to school, so it was taking him a few minutes every morning to decide what to wear. "No!" the twins shouted in unison, with Malcolm continuing, "We've given you enough already, what are you doing up there!?" "I was getting dressed," Andrew said, appearing at the top of the stairs, before coming down them in a hurry. When he got to the bottom of the stairs, he sat on the second to last one, and started putting his shoes on. Andrew had no sooner put the first one on than Richard had grabbed his arm, pulling him out of the door, "You can finish that in the car," he said. Andrew walked to the car, trying not to get his sock wet, and got into the back seat, where he found his sister, Jenny, sitting down already. "Why don't you just plan your clothing the day before?" she asked, "That's what I've been doing." Andrew gave Jenny a glare, "Yeah, well sorry that I'm not as organised as you." Andrew then shifted his attention back to Malcolm, who was reversing the car off of the driveway. "Why are you so bothered about getting to school on time anyway? I didn't realise you cared about your education so much." "We don't," Malcolm responded, "but we have to get Jenny to school in time or Mum will kill us, and if we left you behind, then she'd kill us then too." Finished with his shoes, Andrew reached into his rucksack, and grabbed the book he was currently reading, 2001: A Space Odyssey. He had seen the film the year before with his friends in England, but now he had decided to read the book, too. He continued to read the book as they dropped off Jenny, and then continued onto the high school. [hr] 0805 HRs As he shut the door of the car, Andrew said goodbye to his brothers, and began to walk into school. He had to see the counsellor to get his timetable for school, so he made his way there first. As he got there, he noticed that the student a couple of people in front of him was having a cigarette. He also saw that he was wearing a varsity jacket. This boy seemed like a prime target for Richard and Malcolm to befriend to become popular, so Andrew decided that he would just wait for his turn to get his timetable, and think about how he would watch Doctor Who from the USA when the new series started next year.