[center][color=f49ac2][h1][i]I AM [i][b]CORINNE SHOURICHI[/b][/i] - I DON'T BELIEVE IN SIGNS![/i][/h1][/color][/center] Your words, Stoll! Use your words! At least she was starting to do a better job at letting people know that she was deaf. For the first chunk of her tenure at Max Fire, no one had bothered to even tell me the bitch had busted ears! Can you [i]imagine?[/i] I thought she was [i]epileptic![/i] Every time I showed up for drills her hands started doing that Helen Keller no Jutsu shit, and what do I do? Try to be a good Samaritan and clear her mouth of any obstructions so she doesn't choke in the midst of her seizure? Oho, you [i]thought,[/i] Shourichi! Earmuffs here just starts waving her hands harder, dares to strike the blood royal in [color=f49ac2][b][i]the face[/i][/b][/color] while I'm just trying to make sure there's nothing wrong with her tongue, and then even bites my finger! I hate being bitten when I'm [i]good![/i] [hider] [color=f49ac2][i]But I love a good bite when I'm bad.[/i][/color][/hider] I was glad to learn she was deaf, though. Not because I'm an asshole, which I'm not! And not because I don't want anyone having a seizure in midair in sheer awe of my fighting prowess and unchecked human spirit, mind you! I definitely do! As long as they're kaiju and not humans. And it's not like I was too thrilled that somehow they'd left that little fucking nugget of info out of her folder, either! Not like it was important or anything, HR! No, I was happy that Stoll was only deaf because it meant that I got away free and clear with calling her a fucking spaz every chance I got to bitch to Ryoma about my new bite marks. The best thing about deaf chicks is that they can't hear you talk...any...of your shit... ... [color=f49ac2][i]wait[/i][/color] So how was she able to hear me talking to Sadbear just now if she-- --was-- --[i]wasn't[/i] deaf!? ... [color=f49ac2][u][b][i]HAHAHAHAHA FUC--[/i][/b][/u][/color] [b][color=f49ac2]MOVING ON:[/color][/b] Luckily Autumn was on hand to phrase any questions in a decidedly [i]non-[/i]deceitful manner, questions which Guac and Ryoma clearly considered well answered. I was more skeptical, though. I put a lot of rounds into one of those fuckers from the front seat of good old Speed Racer last year, sure, but I'd been poring through studies for months since I'd joined Max Fire, and apparently not [i]one[/i] serviceman currently enlisted in the JSDF was Corinne Shourichi! And only [i]one[/i] Corinne Shourichi currently served in Max Fire! What the fuck were we gonna do with the one we had? Maybe if you gave me a speedboat and an RPG-7 I could make the kaiju rue the day it crawled out of its uterine hell beneath the Earth...but how was I gonna pilot Lifthrasir, babysit the kids, [i]and[/i] sing a kaiju motherfucker a Getter Robo firepower lullaby on its way down to its resting place in Atlantis!? We needed at least another 1/4th of a Corinne Shourichi for that level of multitasking! And I had only ever been [i]imitated,[/i] never duplicated! [color=f26522]"--must be something more surefire we can do, right?"[/color] Surefire? [color=f49ac2][i][b]Sure! Fire![/b][/i][/color] [color=f49ac2]"They're [i]support,[/i] Hanneman. Support is all they do, besides milking us for Kodak moments and pointing in awe at how good we look in the sunshine. We're the beasts of burden here. We're the ones with the stones. [i]We're[/i] fucking surefire. And as soon as we come back with a big load of Etherion, you get to tell everyone fucking-told-ya-so. That's how you set the perfect ideal for other humans - you know your damn role and you come home a high roller! That's what it's all about!"[/color] Coincidentally, I had taped over small portions of my [color=f49ac2][i]How To Be A [b]Fucking[/b] Pillar of Humanity[/i][/color] tapes with my [color=f49ac2][i]How to Run a [b]Fucking[/b] Girl's Night[/i][/color] manual. They were, however different the occasions, the exact same message, though, so hopefully there wouldn't be any confusion as to what I expected from my little pint-sized posse!