Raelis would find his foe to be far more resourceful than anticipated. It was true the ever increasing light was a bother to the mutant hybrid's optics. Though the blinding glare had one simple solution to avoid repercussions. Tharr's eyelids swept upwards to shield the sensitive organs and blacken his vision entirely. Even with sight no longer in effect, his other senses would be able to compensate. Most notably was his sense of touch, and each alteration in wind current created vibrations that registered through the beast's webbed crest. Plus there was the inevitable clinks and clanks an armor the Knight wore would resonate within his acute auditory receptors. Those two alone would give the sea dweller more than enough information to accurately determine his opposition's movements without the need for sight. With the swordsman now in range, Tharraleos made his move. His right wing lashed forth in a hefty, backhanded fashion, looking to send his target hurtling towards the broken down buildings. The force in this was rather immense, especially with the momentum gathered up throughout the swing. It seemed like it was aimed to break through defenses, though the moderate speed of such would make it relatively easy to avoid outright. Although the other wing had its ends furled into a fist and ready to provide a backup of sorts in case his initial attack failed. Regardless of Raelis' reaction, he would be prepared to react accordingly.